2024-06-25 | GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS
GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS Probability Table

Hero Summon (Lv 1)

Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin10.00000%
Royal Soldier Zico10.00000%
Royal Warrior Dennis10.00000%
Royal Warrior Philip10.00000%
Royal Soldier Annie10.00000%
Council Soldier Faville10.00000%
Council Member Leah10.00000%
Council General10.00000%

Hero Summon (Lv 2)

Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91250%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91250%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91250%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91250%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91250%
Council Soldier Faville8.91250%
Council Member Leah8.91250%
Council General8.91250%

Hero Summon (Lv 3)

Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61250%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61250%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61250%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61250%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61250%
Council Soldier Faville8.61250%
Council Member Leah8.61250%
Council General8.61250%

Hero Summon (Lv 4)

Vowing Flame Las0.00056%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00056%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00056%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00056%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00056%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00056%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00056%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00056%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00056%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00056%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00056%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00056%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00056%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00056%
Lord Leon0.00056%
Dark Knight Leon0.00056%
Potion Master Judy0.00056%
Scout Elisa0.00056%
Magical Courier Delia0.00056%
Captain Aoife0.00056%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00056%
Enraged Nohillier0.00056%
Guild Master Amy0.00056%
Scholar Eleanor0.00056%
Observer Stella0.00056%
Overseer Chloe0.00056%
Emperor Gerus0.00056%
Guardian Strox0.00056%
Queen Lea0.00056%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00056%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00056%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00056%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00056%
Combat Priest Bella0.00056%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00056%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00056%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Summon (Lv 5)

Vowing Flame Las0.00278%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00278%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00278%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00278%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00278%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00278%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00278%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00278%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00278%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00278%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00278%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00278%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00278%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00278%
Lord Leon0.00278%
Dark Knight Leon0.00278%
Potion Master Judy0.00278%
Scout Elisa0.00278%
Magical Courier Delia0.00278%
Captain Aoife0.00278%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00278%
Enraged Nohillier0.00278%
Guild Master Amy0.00278%
Scholar Eleanor0.00278%
Observer Stella0.00278%
Overseer Chloe0.00278%
Emperor Gerus0.00278%
Guardian Strox0.00278%
Queen Lea0.00278%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00278%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00278%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00278%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00278%
Combat Priest Bella0.00278%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00278%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00278%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Summon (Lv 6)

Vowing Flame Las0.00306%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00306%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00306%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00306%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00306%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00306%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00306%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00306%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00306%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00306%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00306%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00306%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00306%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00306%
Lord Leon0.00306%
Dark Knight Leon0.00306%
Potion Master Judy0.00306%
Scout Elisa0.00306%
Magical Courier Delia0.00306%
Captain Aoife0.00306%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00306%
Enraged Nohillier0.00306%
Guild Master Amy0.00306%
Scholar Eleanor0.00306%
Observer Stella0.00306%
Overseer Chloe0.00306%
Emperor Gerus0.00306%
Guardian Strox0.00306%
Queen Lea0.00306%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00306%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00306%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00306%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00306%
Combat Priest Bella0.00306%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00306%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00306%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Summon (Lv 7)

Vowing Flame Las0.00333%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00333%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00333%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00333%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00333%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00333%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00333%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00333%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00333%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00333%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00333%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00333%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00333%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00333%
Lord Leon0.00333%
Dark Knight Leon0.00333%
Potion Master Judy0.00333%
Scout Elisa0.00333%
Magical Courier Delia0.00333%
Captain Aoife0.00333%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00333%
Enraged Nohillier0.00333%
Guild Master Amy0.00333%
Scholar Eleanor0.00333%
Observer Stella0.00333%
Overseer Chloe0.00333%
Emperor Gerus0.00333%
Guardian Strox0.00333%
Queen Lea0.00333%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00333%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00333%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00333%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00333%
Combat Priest Bella0.00333%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00333%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00333%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Summon (Lv 8)

Vowing Flame Las0.00361%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00361%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00361%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00361%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00361%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00361%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00361%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00361%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00361%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00361%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00361%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00361%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00361%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00361%
Lord Leon0.00361%
Dark Knight Leon0.00361%
Potion Master Judy0.00361%
Scout Elisa0.00361%
Magical Courier Delia0.00361%
Captain Aoife0.00361%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00361%
Enraged Nohillier0.00361%
Guild Master Amy0.00361%
Scholar Eleanor0.00361%
Observer Stella0.00361%
Overseer Chloe0.00361%
Emperor Gerus0.00361%
Guardian Strox0.00361%
Queen Lea0.00361%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00361%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00361%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00361%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00361%
Combat Priest Bella0.00361%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00361%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00361%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Summon (Lv 9)

Vowing Flame Las0.00389%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00389%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00389%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00389%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00389%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00389%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00389%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00389%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00389%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00389%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00389%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00389%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00389%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00389%
Lord Leon0.00389%
Dark Knight Leon0.00389%
Potion Master Judy0.00389%
Scout Elisa0.00389%
Magical Courier Delia0.00389%
Captain Aoife0.00389%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00389%
Enraged Nohillier0.00389%
Guild Master Amy0.00389%
Scholar Eleanor0.00389%
Observer Stella0.00389%
Overseer Chloe0.00389%
Emperor Gerus0.00389%
Guardian Strox0.00389%
Queen Lea0.00389%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00389%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00389%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00389%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00389%
Combat Priest Bella0.00389%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00389%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00389%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Summon (Lv 10)

Vowing Flame Las0.00417%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00417%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00417%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00417%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00417%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00417%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00417%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00417%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00417%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00417%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00417%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00417%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00417%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00417%
Lord Leon0.00417%
Dark Knight Leon0.00417%
Potion Master Judy0.00417%
Scout Elisa0.00417%
Magical Courier Delia0.00417%
Captain Aoife0.00417%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00417%
Enraged Nohillier0.00417%
Guild Master Amy0.00417%
Scholar Eleanor0.00417%
Observer Stella0.00417%
Overseer Chloe0.00417%
Emperor Gerus0.00417%
Guardian Strox0.00417%
Queen Lea0.00417%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00417%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00417%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00417%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00417%
Combat Priest Bella0.00417%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00417%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00417%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Artifact Summon (Lv 1)

The Moon Unreachable3.33333%
Flame Shower3.33333%
Heavenly Wish3.33333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.33333%
Gates of Glory3.33333%
Haunted Woods3.33333%
To the Dragon's Hill13.33333%
The Resolution13.33333%
Impregnable Fortress13.33333%
Righteous Judgement13.33333%
Golden Rest13.33333%
Fallen Skyway13.33333%

Artifact Summon (Lv 2)

Bride’s Tears0.96250%
Rampart Keeper0.96250%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper0.96250%
Call to Arms0.96250%
War God’s Blow0.96250%
The Dominator0.96250%
Black Witch’s Hat0.96250%
Eye of Madness0.96250%
The Moon Unreachable3.50000%
Flame Shower3.50000%
Heavenly Wish3.50000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.50000%
Gates of Glory3.50000%
Haunted Woods3.50000%
To the Dragon's Hill11.88333%
The Resolution11.88333%
Impregnable Fortress11.88333%
Righteous Judgement11.88333%
Golden Rest11.88333%
Fallen Skyway11.88333%

Artifact Summon (Lv 3)

River Song0.05385%
Banner of Counterattack0.05385%
Falling Nova0.05385%
Another Story0.05385%
Hidden Face0.05385%
Primordial Sea0.05385%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.05385%
Spring Hill0.05385%
Fairy’s Invitation0.05385%
Radiant Adjudicator0.05385%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.05385%
The Waiting0.05385%
Bride’s Tears1.05000%
Rampart Keeper1.05000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.05000%
Call to Arms1.05000%
War God’s Blow1.05000%
The Dominator1.05000%
Black Witch’s Hat1.05000%
Eye of Madness1.05000%
The Moon Unreachable3.66667%
Flame Shower3.66667%
Heavenly Wish3.66667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.66667%
Gates of Glory3.66667%
Haunted Woods3.66667%
To the Dragon's Hill11.48333%
The Resolution11.48333%
Impregnable Fortress11.48333%
Righteous Judgement11.48333%
Golden Rest11.48333%
Fallen Skyway11.48333%

Artifact Summon (Lv 4)

Sky Guardian0.00087%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00087%
Selina’s Kindness0.00087%
Flower Party0.00087%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00087%
Forest Guardian0.00087%
Dawn of Shetia0.00087%
Victorious Knight0.00087%
Dream Guide0.00087%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00087%
Secretive Astrologer0.00087%
Snow Child0.00087%
Princess' Right0.00087%
Herald of Dawn0.00087%
Cradle of Stars0.00087%
Fiend Lord0.00087%
Der Freischütz0.00087%
Sweet Whisper0.00087%
Unicorn of Wish0.00087%
Ebony Demon King0.00087%
Halphas' Footprint0.00087%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00087%
Caim’s Night0.00087%
River Song0.11538%
Banner of Counterattack0.11538%
Falling Nova0.11538%
Another Story0.11538%
Hidden Face0.11538%
Primordial Sea0.11538%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.11538%
Spring Hill0.11538%
Fairy’s Invitation0.11538%
Radiant Adjudicator0.11538%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.11538%
The Waiting0.11538%
Bride’s Tears1.62500%
Rampart Keeper1.62500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.62500%
Call to Arms1.62500%
War God’s Blow1.62500%
The Dominator1.62500%
Black Witch’s Hat1.62500%
Eye of Madness1.62500%
The Moon Unreachable3.83333%
Flame Shower3.83333%
Heavenly Wish3.83333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.83333%
Gates of Glory3.83333%
Haunted Woods3.83333%
To the Dragon's Hill10.41333%
The Resolution10.41333%
Impregnable Fortress10.41333%
Righteous Judgement10.41333%
Golden Rest10.41333%
Fallen Skyway10.41333%

Artifact Summon (Lv 5)

Sky Guardian0.00435%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00435%
Selina’s Kindness0.00435%
Flower Party0.00435%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00435%
Forest Guardian0.00435%
Dawn of Shetia0.00435%
Victorious Knight0.00435%
Dream Guide0.00435%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00435%
Secretive Astrologer0.00435%
Snow Child0.00435%
Princess' Right0.00435%
Herald of Dawn0.00435%
Cradle of Stars0.00435%
Fiend Lord0.00435%
Der Freischütz0.00435%
Sweet Whisper0.00435%
Unicorn of Wish0.00435%
Ebony Demon King0.00435%
Halphas' Footprint0.00435%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00435%
Caim’s Night0.00435%
River Song0.23077%
Banner of Counterattack0.23077%
Falling Nova0.23077%
Another Story0.23077%
Hidden Face0.23077%
Primordial Sea0.23077%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.23077%
Spring Hill0.23077%
Fairy’s Invitation0.23077%
Radiant Adjudicator0.23077%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.23077%
The Waiting0.23077%
Bride’s Tears1.75000%
Rampart Keeper1.75000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.75000%
Call to Arms1.75000%
War God’s Blow1.75000%
The Dominator1.75000%
Black Witch’s Hat1.75000%
Eye of Madness1.75000%
The Moon Unreachable4.00000%
Flame Shower4.00000%
Heavenly Wish4.00000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.00000%
Gates of Glory4.00000%
Haunted Woods4.00000%
To the Dragon's Hill9.81667%
The Resolution9.81667%
Impregnable Fortress9.81667%
Righteous Judgement9.81667%
Golden Rest9.81667%
Fallen Skyway9.81667%

Artifact Summon (Lv 6)

Sky Guardian0.00478%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00478%
Selina’s Kindness0.00478%
Flower Party0.00478%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00478%
Forest Guardian0.00478%
Dawn of Shetia0.00478%
Victorious Knight0.00478%
Dream Guide0.00478%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00478%
Secretive Astrologer0.00478%
Snow Child0.00478%
Princess' Right0.00478%
Herald of Dawn0.00478%
Cradle of Stars0.00478%
Fiend Lord0.00478%
Der Freischütz0.00478%
Sweet Whisper0.00478%
Unicorn of Wish0.00478%
Ebony Demon King0.00478%
Halphas' Footprint0.00478%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00478%
Caim’s Night0.00478%
River Song0.30769%
Banner of Counterattack0.30769%
Falling Nova0.30769%
Another Story0.30769%
Hidden Face0.30769%
Primordial Sea0.30769%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.30769%
Spring Hill0.30769%
Fairy’s Invitation0.30769%
Radiant Adjudicator0.30769%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.30769%
The Waiting0.30769%
Bride’s Tears1.87500%
Rampart Keeper1.87500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.87500%
Call to Arms1.87500%
War God’s Blow1.87500%
The Dominator1.87500%
Black Witch’s Hat1.87500%
Eye of Madness1.87500%
The Moon Unreachable4.16667%
Flame Shower4.16667%
Heavenly Wish4.16667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.16667%
Gates of Glory4.16667%
Haunted Woods4.16667%
To the Dragon's Hill9.31500%
The Resolution9.31500%
Impregnable Fortress9.31500%
Righteous Judgement9.31500%
Golden Rest9.31500%
Fallen Skyway9.31500%

Artifact Summon (Lv 7)

Sky Guardian0.00522%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00522%
Selina’s Kindness0.00522%
Flower Party0.00522%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00522%
Forest Guardian0.00522%
Dawn of Shetia0.00522%
Victorious Knight0.00522%
Dream Guide0.00522%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00522%
Secretive Astrologer0.00522%
Snow Child0.00522%
Princess' Right0.00522%
Herald of Dawn0.00522%
Cradle of Stars0.00522%
Fiend Lord0.00522%
Der Freischütz0.00522%
Sweet Whisper0.00522%
Unicorn of Wish0.00522%
Ebony Demon King0.00522%
Halphas' Footprint0.00522%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00522%
Caim’s Night0.00522%
River Song0.38462%
Banner of Counterattack0.38462%
Falling Nova0.38462%
Another Story0.38462%
Hidden Face0.38462%
Primordial Sea0.38462%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.38462%
Spring Hill0.38462%
Fairy’s Invitation0.38462%
Radiant Adjudicator0.38462%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.38462%
The Waiting0.38462%
Bride’s Tears2.00000%
Rampart Keeper2.00000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.00000%
Call to Arms2.00000%
War God’s Blow2.00000%
The Dominator2.00000%
Black Witch’s Hat2.00000%
Eye of Madness2.00000%
The Moon Unreachable4.33333%
Flame Shower4.33333%
Heavenly Wish4.33333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.33333%
Gates of Glory4.33333%
Haunted Woods4.33333%
To the Dragon's Hill8.81333%
The Resolution8.81333%
Impregnable Fortress8.81333%
Righteous Judgement8.81333%
Golden Rest8.81333%
Fallen Skyway8.81333%

Artifact Summon (Lv 8)

Sky Guardian0.00565%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00565%
Selina’s Kindness0.00565%
Flower Party0.00565%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00565%
Forest Guardian0.00565%
Dawn of Shetia0.00565%
Victorious Knight0.00565%
Dream Guide0.00565%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00565%
Secretive Astrologer0.00565%
Snow Child0.00565%
Princess' Right0.00565%
Herald of Dawn0.00565%
Cradle of Stars0.00565%
Fiend Lord0.00565%
Der Freischütz0.00565%
Sweet Whisper0.00565%
Unicorn of Wish0.00565%
Ebony Demon King0.00565%
Halphas' Footprint0.00565%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00565%
Caim’s Night0.00565%
River Song0.46154%
Banner of Counterattack0.46154%
Falling Nova0.46154%
Another Story0.46154%
Hidden Face0.46154%
Primordial Sea0.46154%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.46154%
Spring Hill0.46154%
Fairy’s Invitation0.46154%
Radiant Adjudicator0.46154%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.46154%
The Waiting0.46154%
Bride’s Tears2.12500%
Rampart Keeper2.12500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.12500%
Call to Arms2.12500%
War God’s Blow2.12500%
The Dominator2.12500%
Black Witch’s Hat2.12500%
Eye of Madness2.12500%
The Moon Unreachable4.50000%
Flame Shower4.50000%
Heavenly Wish4.50000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.50000%
Gates of Glory4.50000%
Haunted Woods4.50000%
To the Dragon's Hill8.31167%
The Resolution8.31167%
Impregnable Fortress8.31167%
Righteous Judgement8.31167%
Golden Rest8.31167%
Fallen Skyway8.31167%

Artifact Summon (Lv 9)

Sky Guardian0.00609%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00609%
Selina’s Kindness0.00609%
Flower Party0.00609%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00609%
Forest Guardian0.00609%
Dawn of Shetia0.00609%
Victorious Knight0.00609%
Dream Guide0.00609%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00609%
Secretive Astrologer0.00609%
Snow Child0.00609%
Princess' Right0.00609%
Herald of Dawn0.00609%
Cradle of Stars0.00609%
Fiend Lord0.00609%
Der Freischütz0.00609%
Sweet Whisper0.00609%
Unicorn of Wish0.00609%
Ebony Demon King0.00609%
Halphas' Footprint0.00609%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00609%
Caim’s Night0.00609%
River Song0.53846%
Banner of Counterattack0.53846%
Falling Nova0.53846%
Another Story0.53846%
Hidden Face0.53846%
Primordial Sea0.53846%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.53846%
Spring Hill0.53846%
Fairy’s Invitation0.53846%
Radiant Adjudicator0.53846%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.53846%
The Waiting0.53846%
Bride’s Tears2.25000%
Rampart Keeper2.25000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.25000%
Call to Arms2.25000%
War God’s Blow2.25000%
The Dominator2.25000%
Black Witch’s Hat2.25000%
Eye of Madness2.25000%
The Moon Unreachable4.66667%
Flame Shower4.66667%
Heavenly Wish4.66667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.66667%
Gates of Glory4.66667%
Haunted Woods4.66667%
To the Dragon's Hill7.81000%
The Resolution7.81000%
Impregnable Fortress7.81000%
Righteous Judgement7.81000%
Golden Rest7.81000%
Fallen Skyway7.81000%

Artifact Summon (Lv 10)

Sky Guardian0.00652%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00652%
Selina’s Kindness0.00652%
Flower Party0.00652%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00652%
Forest Guardian0.00652%
Dawn of Shetia0.00652%
Victorious Knight0.00652%
Dream Guide0.00652%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00652%
Secretive Astrologer0.00652%
Snow Child0.00652%
Princess' Right0.00652%
Herald of Dawn0.00652%
Cradle of Stars0.00652%
Fiend Lord0.00652%
Der Freischütz0.00652%
Sweet Whisper0.00652%
Unicorn of Wish0.00652%
Ebony Demon King0.00652%
Halphas' Footprint0.00652%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00652%
Caim’s Night0.00652%
River Song0.61538%
Banner of Counterattack0.61538%
Falling Nova0.61538%
Another Story0.61538%
Hidden Face0.61538%
Primordial Sea0.61538%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.61538%
Spring Hill0.61538%
Fairy’s Invitation0.61538%
Radiant Adjudicator0.61538%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.61538%
The Waiting0.61538%
Bride’s Tears2.37500%
Rampart Keeper2.37500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.37500%
Call to Arms2.37500%
War God’s Blow2.37500%
The Dominator2.37500%
Black Witch’s Hat2.37500%
Eye of Madness2.37500%
The Moon Unreachable4.83333%
Flame Shower4.83333%
Heavenly Wish4.83333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.83333%
Gates of Glory4.83333%
Haunted Woods4.83333%
To the Dragon's Hill7.30833%
The Resolution7.30833%
Impregnable Fortress7.30833%
Righteous Judgement7.30833%
Golden Rest7.30833%
Fallen Skyway7.30833%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 1)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.02000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin9.99750%
Royal Soldier Zico9.99750%
Royal Warrior Dennis9.99750%
Royal Warrior Philip9.99750%
Royal Soldier Annie9.99750%
Council Soldier Faville9.99750%
Council Member Leah9.99750%
Council General9.99750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 2)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.02000%
Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91000%
Council Soldier Faville8.91000%
Council Member Leah8.91000%
Council General8.91000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 3)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61000%
Council Soldier Faville8.61000%
Council Member Leah8.61000%
Council General8.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 4)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 5)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.02000%
The Hero Himmel0.00200%
Priest Heiter0.00200%
Warrior Eisen0.00200%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00200%
Warrior Stark0.00200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Dark Knight Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00194%
Enraged Nohillier0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 6)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.05500%
The Hero Himmel0.00220%
Priest Heiter0.00220%
Warrior Eisen0.00220%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00220%
Warrior Stark0.00220%
Vowing Flame Las0.00122%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00122%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00122%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00122%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00122%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00122%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00122%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00122%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00122%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00122%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00122%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00122%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00122%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00122%
Lord Leon0.00122%
Dark Knight Leon0.00122%
Potion Master Judy0.00122%
Scout Elisa0.00122%
Magical Courier Delia0.00122%
Captain Aoife0.00122%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00122%
Enraged Nohillier0.00122%
Guild Master Amy0.00122%
Scholar Eleanor0.00122%
Observer Stella0.00122%
Overseer Chloe0.00122%
Emperor Gerus0.00122%
Guardian Strox0.00122%
Queen Lea0.00122%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00122%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00122%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00122%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00122%
Combat Priest Bella0.00122%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00122%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00122%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 7)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.06000%
The Hero Himmel0.00240%
Priest Heiter0.00240%
Warrior Eisen0.00240%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00240%
Warrior Stark0.00240%
Vowing Flame Las0.00133%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00133%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00133%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00133%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00133%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00133%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00133%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00133%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00133%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00133%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00133%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00133%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00133%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00133%
Lord Leon0.00133%
Dark Knight Leon0.00133%
Potion Master Judy0.00133%
Scout Elisa0.00133%
Magical Courier Delia0.00133%
Captain Aoife0.00133%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00133%
Enraged Nohillier0.00133%
Guild Master Amy0.00133%
Scholar Eleanor0.00133%
Observer Stella0.00133%
Overseer Chloe0.00133%
Emperor Gerus0.00133%
Guardian Strox0.00133%
Queen Lea0.00133%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00133%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00133%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00133%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00133%
Combat Priest Bella0.00133%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00133%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00133%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 8)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.06500%
The Hero Himmel0.00260%
Priest Heiter0.00260%
Warrior Eisen0.00260%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00260%
Warrior Stark0.00260%
Vowing Flame Las0.00144%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00144%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00144%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00144%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00144%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00144%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00144%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00144%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00144%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00144%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00144%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00144%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00144%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00144%
Lord Leon0.00144%
Dark Knight Leon0.00144%
Potion Master Judy0.00144%
Scout Elisa0.00144%
Magical Courier Delia0.00144%
Captain Aoife0.00144%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00144%
Enraged Nohillier0.00144%
Guild Master Amy0.00144%
Scholar Eleanor0.00144%
Observer Stella0.00144%
Overseer Chloe0.00144%
Emperor Gerus0.00144%
Guardian Strox0.00144%
Queen Lea0.00144%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00144%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00144%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00144%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00144%
Combat Priest Bella0.00144%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00144%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00144%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 9)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.07000%
The Hero Himmel0.00280%
Priest Heiter0.00280%
Warrior Eisen0.00280%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00280%
Warrior Stark0.00280%
Vowing Flame Las0.00156%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00156%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00156%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00156%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00156%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00156%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00156%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00156%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00156%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00156%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00156%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00156%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00156%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00156%
Lord Leon0.00156%
Dark Knight Leon0.00156%
Potion Master Judy0.00156%
Scout Elisa0.00156%
Magical Courier Delia0.00156%
Captain Aoife0.00156%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00156%
Enraged Nohillier0.00156%
Guild Master Amy0.00156%
Scholar Eleanor0.00156%
Observer Stella0.00156%
Overseer Chloe0.00156%
Emperor Gerus0.00156%
Guardian Strox0.00156%
Queen Lea0.00156%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00156%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00156%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00156%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00156%
Combat Priest Bella0.00156%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00156%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00156%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 10)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.07500%
The Hero Himmel0.00300%
Priest Heiter0.00300%
Warrior Eisen0.00300%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00300%
Warrior Stark0.00300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00167%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00167%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00167%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00167%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00167%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00167%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00167%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00167%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00167%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00167%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00167%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00167%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00167%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00167%
Lord Leon0.00167%
Dark Knight Leon0.00167%
Potion Master Judy0.00167%
Scout Elisa0.00167%
Magical Courier Delia0.00167%
Captain Aoife0.00167%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00167%
Enraged Nohillier0.00167%
Guild Master Amy0.00167%
Scholar Eleanor0.00167%
Observer Stella0.00167%
Overseer Chloe0.00167%
Emperor Gerus0.00167%
Guardian Strox0.00167%
Queen Lea0.00167%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00167%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00167%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00167%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00167%
Combat Priest Bella0.00167%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00167%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00167%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 1)

First-Class Mage Fern0.02000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin9.99750%
Royal Soldier Zico9.99750%
Royal Warrior Dennis9.99750%
Royal Warrior Philip9.99750%
Royal Soldier Annie9.99750%
Council Soldier Faville9.99750%
Council Member Leah9.99750%
Council General9.99750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 2)

First-Class Mage Fern0.02000%
Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91000%
Council Soldier Faville8.91000%
Council Member Leah8.91000%
Council General8.91000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 3)

First-Class Mage Fern0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61000%
Council Soldier Faville8.61000%
Council Member Leah8.61000%
Council General8.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 4)

First-Class Mage Fern0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 5)

First-Class Mage Fern0.02000%
The Hero Himmel0.00200%
Priest Heiter0.00200%
Warrior Eisen0.00200%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00200%
Warrior Stark0.00200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Dark Knight Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00194%
Enraged Nohillier0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 6)

First-Class Mage Fern0.05500%
The Hero Himmel0.00220%
Priest Heiter0.00220%
Warrior Eisen0.00220%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00220%
Warrior Stark0.00220%
Vowing Flame Las0.00122%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00122%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00122%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00122%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00122%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00122%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00122%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00122%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00122%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00122%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00122%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00122%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00122%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00122%
Lord Leon0.00122%
Dark Knight Leon0.00122%
Potion Master Judy0.00122%
Scout Elisa0.00122%
Magical Courier Delia0.00122%
Captain Aoife0.00122%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00122%
Enraged Nohillier0.00122%
Guild Master Amy0.00122%
Scholar Eleanor0.00122%
Observer Stella0.00122%
Overseer Chloe0.00122%
Emperor Gerus0.00122%
Guardian Strox0.00122%
Queen Lea0.00122%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00122%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00122%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00122%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00122%
Combat Priest Bella0.00122%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00122%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00122%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 7)

First-Class Mage Fern0.06000%
The Hero Himmel0.00240%
Priest Heiter0.00240%
Warrior Eisen0.00240%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00240%
Warrior Stark0.00240%
Vowing Flame Las0.00133%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00133%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00133%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00133%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00133%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00133%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00133%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00133%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00133%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00133%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00133%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00133%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00133%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00133%
Lord Leon0.00133%
Dark Knight Leon0.00133%
Potion Master Judy0.00133%
Scout Elisa0.00133%
Magical Courier Delia0.00133%
Captain Aoife0.00133%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00133%
Enraged Nohillier0.00133%
Guild Master Amy0.00133%
Scholar Eleanor0.00133%
Observer Stella0.00133%
Overseer Chloe0.00133%
Emperor Gerus0.00133%
Guardian Strox0.00133%
Queen Lea0.00133%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00133%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00133%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00133%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00133%
Combat Priest Bella0.00133%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00133%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00133%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 8)

First-Class Mage Fern0.06500%
The Hero Himmel0.00260%
Priest Heiter0.00260%
Warrior Eisen0.00260%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00260%
Warrior Stark0.00260%
Vowing Flame Las0.00144%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00144%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00144%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00144%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00144%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00144%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00144%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00144%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00144%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00144%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00144%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00144%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00144%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00144%
Lord Leon0.00144%
Dark Knight Leon0.00144%
Potion Master Judy0.00144%
Scout Elisa0.00144%
Magical Courier Delia0.00144%
Captain Aoife0.00144%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00144%
Enraged Nohillier0.00144%
Guild Master Amy0.00144%
Scholar Eleanor0.00144%
Observer Stella0.00144%
Overseer Chloe0.00144%
Emperor Gerus0.00144%
Guardian Strox0.00144%
Queen Lea0.00144%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00144%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00144%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00144%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00144%
Combat Priest Bella0.00144%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00144%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00144%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 9)

First-Class Mage Fern0.07000%
The Hero Himmel0.00280%
Priest Heiter0.00280%
Warrior Eisen0.00280%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00280%
Warrior Stark0.00280%
Vowing Flame Las0.00156%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00156%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00156%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00156%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00156%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00156%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00156%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00156%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00156%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00156%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00156%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00156%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00156%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00156%
Lord Leon0.00156%
Dark Knight Leon0.00156%
Potion Master Judy0.00156%
Scout Elisa0.00156%
Magical Courier Delia0.00156%
Captain Aoife0.00156%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00156%
Enraged Nohillier0.00156%
Guild Master Amy0.00156%
Scholar Eleanor0.00156%
Observer Stella0.00156%
Overseer Chloe0.00156%
Emperor Gerus0.00156%
Guardian Strox0.00156%
Queen Lea0.00156%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00156%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00156%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00156%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00156%
Combat Priest Bella0.00156%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00156%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00156%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 2 (Lv 10)

First-Class Mage Fern0.07500%
The Hero Himmel0.00300%
Priest Heiter0.00300%
Warrior Eisen0.00300%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00300%
Warrior Stark0.00300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00167%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00167%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00167%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00167%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00167%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00167%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00167%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00167%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00167%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00167%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00167%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00167%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00167%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00167%
Lord Leon0.00167%
Dark Knight Leon0.00167%
Potion Master Judy0.00167%
Scout Elisa0.00167%
Magical Courier Delia0.00167%
Captain Aoife0.00167%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00167%
Enraged Nohillier0.00167%
Guild Master Amy0.00167%
Scholar Eleanor0.00167%
Observer Stella0.00167%
Overseer Chloe0.00167%
Emperor Gerus0.00167%
Guardian Strox0.00167%
Queen Lea0.00167%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00167%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00167%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00167%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00167%
Combat Priest Bella0.00167%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00167%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00167%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 1)

Warrior Stark0.02000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin9.99750%
Royal Soldier Zico9.99750%
Royal Warrior Dennis9.99750%
Royal Warrior Philip9.99750%
Royal Soldier Annie9.99750%
Council Soldier Faville9.99750%
Council Member Leah9.99750%
Council General9.99750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 2)

Warrior Stark0.02000%
Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91000%
Council Soldier Faville8.91000%
Council Member Leah8.91000%
Council General8.91000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 3)

Warrior Stark0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61000%
Council Soldier Faville8.61000%
Council Member Leah8.61000%
Council General8.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 4)

Warrior Stark0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 5)

Warrior Stark0.02000%
The Hero Himmel0.00200%
Priest Heiter0.00200%
Warrior Eisen0.00200%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00200%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Dark Knight Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00194%
Enraged Nohillier0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 6)

Warrior Stark0.05500%
The Hero Himmel0.00220%
Priest Heiter0.00220%
Warrior Eisen0.00220%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00220%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00220%
Vowing Flame Las0.00122%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00122%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00122%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00122%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00122%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00122%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00122%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00122%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00122%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00122%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00122%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00122%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00122%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00122%
Lord Leon0.00122%
Dark Knight Leon0.00122%
Potion Master Judy0.00122%
Scout Elisa0.00122%
Magical Courier Delia0.00122%
Captain Aoife0.00122%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00122%
Enraged Nohillier0.00122%
Guild Master Amy0.00122%
Scholar Eleanor0.00122%
Observer Stella0.00122%
Overseer Chloe0.00122%
Emperor Gerus0.00122%
Guardian Strox0.00122%
Queen Lea0.00122%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00122%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00122%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00122%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00122%
Combat Priest Bella0.00122%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00122%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00122%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 7)

Warrior Stark0.06000%
The Hero Himmel0.00240%
Priest Heiter0.00240%
Warrior Eisen0.00240%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00240%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00240%
Vowing Flame Las0.00133%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00133%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00133%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00133%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00133%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00133%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00133%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00133%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00133%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00133%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00133%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00133%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00133%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00133%
Lord Leon0.00133%
Dark Knight Leon0.00133%
Potion Master Judy0.00133%
Scout Elisa0.00133%
Magical Courier Delia0.00133%
Captain Aoife0.00133%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00133%
Enraged Nohillier0.00133%
Guild Master Amy0.00133%
Scholar Eleanor0.00133%
Observer Stella0.00133%
Overseer Chloe0.00133%
Emperor Gerus0.00133%
Guardian Strox0.00133%
Queen Lea0.00133%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00133%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00133%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00133%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00133%
Combat Priest Bella0.00133%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00133%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00133%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 8)

Warrior Stark0.06500%
The Hero Himmel0.00260%
Priest Heiter0.00260%
Warrior Eisen0.00260%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00260%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00260%
Vowing Flame Las0.00144%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00144%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00144%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00144%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00144%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00144%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00144%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00144%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00144%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00144%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00144%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00144%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00144%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00144%
Lord Leon0.00144%
Dark Knight Leon0.00144%
Potion Master Judy0.00144%
Scout Elisa0.00144%
Magical Courier Delia0.00144%
Captain Aoife0.00144%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00144%
Enraged Nohillier0.00144%
Guild Master Amy0.00144%
Scholar Eleanor0.00144%
Observer Stella0.00144%
Overseer Chloe0.00144%
Emperor Gerus0.00144%
Guardian Strox0.00144%
Queen Lea0.00144%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00144%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00144%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00144%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00144%
Combat Priest Bella0.00144%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00144%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00144%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 9)

Warrior Stark0.07000%
The Hero Himmel0.00280%
Priest Heiter0.00280%
Warrior Eisen0.00280%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00280%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00280%
Vowing Flame Las0.00156%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00156%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00156%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00156%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00156%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00156%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00156%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00156%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00156%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00156%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00156%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00156%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00156%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00156%
Lord Leon0.00156%
Dark Knight Leon0.00156%
Potion Master Judy0.00156%
Scout Elisa0.00156%
Magical Courier Delia0.00156%
Captain Aoife0.00156%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00156%
Enraged Nohillier0.00156%
Guild Master Amy0.00156%
Scholar Eleanor0.00156%
Observer Stella0.00156%
Overseer Chloe0.00156%
Emperor Gerus0.00156%
Guardian Strox0.00156%
Queen Lea0.00156%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00156%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00156%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00156%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00156%
Combat Priest Bella0.00156%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00156%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00156%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 3 (Lv 10)

Warrior Stark0.07500%
The Hero Himmel0.00300%
Priest Heiter0.00300%
Warrior Eisen0.00300%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00300%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00167%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00167%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00167%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00167%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00167%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00167%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00167%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00167%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00167%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00167%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00167%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00167%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00167%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00167%
Lord Leon0.00167%
Dark Knight Leon0.00167%
Potion Master Judy0.00167%
Scout Elisa0.00167%
Magical Courier Delia0.00167%
Captain Aoife0.00167%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00167%
Enraged Nohillier0.00167%
Guild Master Amy0.00167%
Scholar Eleanor0.00167%
Observer Stella0.00167%
Overseer Chloe0.00167%
Emperor Gerus0.00167%
Guardian Strox0.00167%
Queen Lea0.00167%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00167%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00167%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00167%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00167%
Combat Priest Bella0.00167%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00167%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00167%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 1)

The Hero Himmel0.02000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin9.99750%
Royal Soldier Zico9.99750%
Royal Warrior Dennis9.99750%
Royal Warrior Philip9.99750%
Royal Soldier Annie9.99750%
Council Soldier Faville9.99750%
Council Member Leah9.99750%
Council General9.99750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 2)

The Hero Himmel0.02000%
Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91000%
Council Soldier Faville8.91000%
Council Member Leah8.91000%
Council General8.91000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 3)

The Hero Himmel0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61000%
Council Soldier Faville8.61000%
Council Member Leah8.61000%
Council General8.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 4)

The Hero Himmel0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 5)

The Hero Himmel0.02000%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00200%
Priest Heiter0.00200%
Warrior Eisen0.00200%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00200%
Warrior Stark0.00200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Dark Knight Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00194%
Enraged Nohillier0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 6)

The Hero Himmel0.05500%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00220%
Priest Heiter0.00220%
Warrior Eisen0.00220%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00220%
Warrior Stark0.00220%
Vowing Flame Las0.00122%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00122%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00122%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00122%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00122%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00122%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00122%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00122%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00122%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00122%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00122%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00122%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00122%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00122%
Lord Leon0.00122%
Dark Knight Leon0.00122%
Potion Master Judy0.00122%
Scout Elisa0.00122%
Magical Courier Delia0.00122%
Captain Aoife0.00122%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00122%
Enraged Nohillier0.00122%
Guild Master Amy0.00122%
Scholar Eleanor0.00122%
Observer Stella0.00122%
Overseer Chloe0.00122%
Emperor Gerus0.00122%
Guardian Strox0.00122%
Queen Lea0.00122%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00122%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00122%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00122%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00122%
Combat Priest Bella0.00122%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00122%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00122%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 7)

The Hero Himmel0.06000%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00240%
Priest Heiter0.00240%
Warrior Eisen0.00240%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00240%
Warrior Stark0.00240%
Vowing Flame Las0.00133%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00133%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00133%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00133%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00133%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00133%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00133%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00133%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00133%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00133%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00133%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00133%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00133%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00133%
Lord Leon0.00133%
Dark Knight Leon0.00133%
Potion Master Judy0.00133%
Scout Elisa0.00133%
Magical Courier Delia0.00133%
Captain Aoife0.00133%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00133%
Enraged Nohillier0.00133%
Guild Master Amy0.00133%
Scholar Eleanor0.00133%
Observer Stella0.00133%
Overseer Chloe0.00133%
Emperor Gerus0.00133%
Guardian Strox0.00133%
Queen Lea0.00133%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00133%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00133%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00133%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00133%
Combat Priest Bella0.00133%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00133%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00133%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 8)

The Hero Himmel0.06500%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00260%
Priest Heiter0.00260%
Warrior Eisen0.00260%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00260%
Warrior Stark0.00260%
Vowing Flame Las0.00144%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00144%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00144%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00144%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00144%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00144%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00144%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00144%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00144%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00144%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00144%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00144%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00144%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00144%
Lord Leon0.00144%
Dark Knight Leon0.00144%
Potion Master Judy0.00144%
Scout Elisa0.00144%
Magical Courier Delia0.00144%
Captain Aoife0.00144%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00144%
Enraged Nohillier0.00144%
Guild Master Amy0.00144%
Scholar Eleanor0.00144%
Observer Stella0.00144%
Overseer Chloe0.00144%
Emperor Gerus0.00144%
Guardian Strox0.00144%
Queen Lea0.00144%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00144%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00144%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00144%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00144%
Combat Priest Bella0.00144%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00144%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00144%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 9)

The Hero Himmel0.07000%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00280%
Priest Heiter0.00280%
Warrior Eisen0.00280%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00280%
Warrior Stark0.00280%
Vowing Flame Las0.00156%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00156%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00156%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00156%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00156%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00156%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00156%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00156%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00156%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00156%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00156%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00156%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00156%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00156%
Lord Leon0.00156%
Dark Knight Leon0.00156%
Potion Master Judy0.00156%
Scout Elisa0.00156%
Magical Courier Delia0.00156%
Captain Aoife0.00156%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00156%
Enraged Nohillier0.00156%
Guild Master Amy0.00156%
Scholar Eleanor0.00156%
Observer Stella0.00156%
Overseer Chloe0.00156%
Emperor Gerus0.00156%
Guardian Strox0.00156%
Queen Lea0.00156%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00156%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00156%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00156%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00156%
Combat Priest Bella0.00156%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00156%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00156%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 4 (Lv 10)

The Hero Himmel0.07500%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00300%
Priest Heiter0.00300%
Warrior Eisen0.00300%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00300%
Warrior Stark0.00300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00167%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00167%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00167%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00167%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00167%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00167%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00167%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00167%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00167%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00167%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00167%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00167%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00167%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00167%
Lord Leon0.00167%
Dark Knight Leon0.00167%
Potion Master Judy0.00167%
Scout Elisa0.00167%
Magical Courier Delia0.00167%
Captain Aoife0.00167%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00167%
Enraged Nohillier0.00167%
Guild Master Amy0.00167%
Scholar Eleanor0.00167%
Observer Stella0.00167%
Overseer Chloe0.00167%
Emperor Gerus0.00167%
Guardian Strox0.00167%
Queen Lea0.00167%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00167%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00167%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00167%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00167%
Combat Priest Bella0.00167%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00167%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00167%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 1)

Warrior Eisen0.02000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin9.99750%
Royal Soldier Zico9.99750%
Royal Warrior Dennis9.99750%
Royal Warrior Philip9.99750%
Royal Soldier Annie9.99750%
Council Soldier Faville9.99750%
Council Member Leah9.99750%
Council General9.99750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 2)

Warrior Eisen0.02000%
Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91000%
Council Soldier Faville8.91000%
Council Member Leah8.91000%
Council General8.91000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 3)

Warrior Eisen0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61000%
Council Soldier Faville8.61000%
Council Member Leah8.61000%
Council General8.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 4)

Warrior Eisen0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 5)

Warrior Eisen0.02000%
The Hero Himmel0.00200%
Priest Heiter0.00200%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00200%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00200%
Warrior Stark0.00200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Dark Knight Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00194%
Enraged Nohillier0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 6)

Warrior Eisen0.05500%
The Hero Himmel0.00220%
Priest Heiter0.00220%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00220%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00220%
Warrior Stark0.00220%
Vowing Flame Las0.00122%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00122%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00122%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00122%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00122%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00122%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00122%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00122%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00122%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00122%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00122%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00122%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00122%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00122%
Lord Leon0.00122%
Dark Knight Leon0.00122%
Potion Master Judy0.00122%
Scout Elisa0.00122%
Magical Courier Delia0.00122%
Captain Aoife0.00122%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00122%
Enraged Nohillier0.00122%
Guild Master Amy0.00122%
Scholar Eleanor0.00122%
Observer Stella0.00122%
Overseer Chloe0.00122%
Emperor Gerus0.00122%
Guardian Strox0.00122%
Queen Lea0.00122%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00122%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00122%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00122%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00122%
Combat Priest Bella0.00122%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00122%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00122%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 7)

Warrior Eisen0.06000%
The Hero Himmel0.00240%
Priest Heiter0.00240%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00240%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00240%
Warrior Stark0.00240%
Vowing Flame Las0.00133%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00133%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00133%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00133%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00133%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00133%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00133%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00133%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00133%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00133%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00133%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00133%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00133%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00133%
Lord Leon0.00133%
Dark Knight Leon0.00133%
Potion Master Judy0.00133%
Scout Elisa0.00133%
Magical Courier Delia0.00133%
Captain Aoife0.00133%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00133%
Enraged Nohillier0.00133%
Guild Master Amy0.00133%
Scholar Eleanor0.00133%
Observer Stella0.00133%
Overseer Chloe0.00133%
Emperor Gerus0.00133%
Guardian Strox0.00133%
Queen Lea0.00133%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00133%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00133%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00133%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00133%
Combat Priest Bella0.00133%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00133%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00133%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 8)

Warrior Eisen0.06500%
The Hero Himmel0.00260%
Priest Heiter0.00260%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00260%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00260%
Warrior Stark0.00260%
Vowing Flame Las0.00144%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00144%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00144%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00144%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00144%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00144%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00144%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00144%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00144%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00144%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00144%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00144%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00144%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00144%
Lord Leon0.00144%
Dark Knight Leon0.00144%
Potion Master Judy0.00144%
Scout Elisa0.00144%
Magical Courier Delia0.00144%
Captain Aoife0.00144%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00144%
Enraged Nohillier0.00144%
Guild Master Amy0.00144%
Scholar Eleanor0.00144%
Observer Stella0.00144%
Overseer Chloe0.00144%
Emperor Gerus0.00144%
Guardian Strox0.00144%
Queen Lea0.00144%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00144%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00144%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00144%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00144%
Combat Priest Bella0.00144%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00144%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00144%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 9)

Warrior Eisen0.07000%
The Hero Himmel0.00280%
Priest Heiter0.00280%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00280%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00280%
Warrior Stark0.00280%
Vowing Flame Las0.00156%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00156%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00156%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00156%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00156%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00156%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00156%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00156%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00156%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00156%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00156%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00156%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00156%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00156%
Lord Leon0.00156%
Dark Knight Leon0.00156%
Potion Master Judy0.00156%
Scout Elisa0.00156%
Magical Courier Delia0.00156%
Captain Aoife0.00156%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00156%
Enraged Nohillier0.00156%
Guild Master Amy0.00156%
Scholar Eleanor0.00156%
Observer Stella0.00156%
Overseer Chloe0.00156%
Emperor Gerus0.00156%
Guardian Strox0.00156%
Queen Lea0.00156%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00156%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00156%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00156%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00156%
Combat Priest Bella0.00156%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00156%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00156%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 5 (Lv 10)

Warrior Eisen0.07500%
The Hero Himmel0.00300%
Priest Heiter0.00300%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00300%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00300%
Warrior Stark0.00300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00167%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00167%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00167%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00167%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00167%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00167%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00167%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00167%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00167%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00167%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00167%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00167%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00167%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00167%
Lord Leon0.00167%
Dark Knight Leon0.00167%
Potion Master Judy0.00167%
Scout Elisa0.00167%
Magical Courier Delia0.00167%
Captain Aoife0.00167%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00167%
Enraged Nohillier0.00167%
Guild Master Amy0.00167%
Scholar Eleanor0.00167%
Observer Stella0.00167%
Overseer Chloe0.00167%
Emperor Gerus0.00167%
Guardian Strox0.00167%
Queen Lea0.00167%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00167%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00167%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00167%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00167%
Combat Priest Bella0.00167%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00167%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00167%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 1)

Priest Heiter0.02000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.42857%
Royal Guard Zico1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.42857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.42857%
Vice Captain Leona1.42857%
Royal Guard Annie1.42857%
Council Researcher Faville1.42857%
Council Researcher Leah1.42857%
Council Commander1.42857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.42857%
Store Owner Balder1.42857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.42857%
Manager Zelsi1.42857%
New Server Kika1.42857%
Royal Soldier Elvin9.99750%
Royal Soldier Zico9.99750%
Royal Warrior Dennis9.99750%
Royal Warrior Philip9.99750%
Royal Soldier Annie9.99750%
Council Soldier Faville9.99750%
Council Member Leah9.99750%
Council General9.99750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 2)

Priest Heiter0.02000%
Fire Swordsman Las0.48125%
Blacksmith Ratan0.48125%
Captain Leona0.48125%
Council General Veil0.48125%
Merchant Neneto0.48125%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.48125%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.48125%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.48125%
Hairdresser Rose0.48125%
Research Professor Bell0.48125%
Regular Knight Loam0.48125%
Healer Ethan0.48125%
Owner Balder0.48125%
Chief Chef Urd0.48125%
General Manager Zelsi0.48125%
Super Server Kika0.48125%
Royal Guard Elvin1.50000%
Royal Guard Zico1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.50000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.50000%
Vice Captain Leona1.50000%
Royal Guard Annie1.50000%
Council Researcher Faville1.50000%
Council Researcher Leah1.50000%
Council Commander1.50000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.50000%
Store Owner Balder1.50000%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.50000%
Manager Zelsi1.50000%
New Server Kika1.50000%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.91000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.91000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.91000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.91000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.91000%
Council Soldier Faville8.91000%
Council Member Leah8.91000%
Council General8.91000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 3)

Priest Heiter0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.02593%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.02593%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.02593%
Darkness Karte0.02593%
Flame Quyi0.02593%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.02593%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.02593%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.02593%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.02593%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.02593%
Lancer Luin0.02593%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.02593%
Council Guardian Veil0.02593%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.02593%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.02593%
Potion Seller Judy0.02593%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.02593%
Stylist Rose0.02593%
Junior Knight Elisa0.02593%
Courier Delia0.02593%
Mischievous Aoife0.02593%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.02593%
Commander Fiona0.02593%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.02593%
Guild Merchant Amy0.02593%
Assistant Eleanor0.02593%
Wanderer Stella0.02593%
Fire Swordsman Las0.52500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.52500%
Captain Leona0.52500%
Council General Veil0.52500%
Merchant Neneto0.52500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.52500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.52500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.52500%
Hairdresser Rose0.52500%
Research Professor Bell0.52500%
Regular Knight Loam0.52500%
Healer Ethan0.52500%
Owner Balder0.52500%
Chief Chef Urd0.52500%
General Manager Zelsi0.52500%
Super Server Kika0.52500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.57143%
Royal Guard Zico1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.57143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.57143%
Vice Captain Leona1.57143%
Royal Guard Annie1.57143%
Council Researcher Faville1.57143%
Council Researcher Leah1.57143%
Council Commander1.57143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.57143%
Store Owner Balder1.57143%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.57143%
Manager Zelsi1.57143%
New Server Kika1.57143%
Royal Soldier Elvin8.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico8.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis8.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip8.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie8.61000%
Council Soldier Faville8.61000%
Council Member Leah8.61000%
Council General8.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 4)

Priest Heiter0.02000%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.05556%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.05556%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.05556%
Darkness Karte0.05556%
Flame Quyi0.05556%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.05556%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.05556%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.05556%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.05556%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.05556%
Lancer Luin0.05556%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.05556%
Council Guardian Veil0.05556%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.05556%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.05556%
Potion Seller Judy0.05556%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.05556%
Stylist Rose0.05556%
Junior Knight Elisa0.05556%
Courier Delia0.05556%
Mischievous Aoife0.05556%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.05556%
Commander Fiona0.05556%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.05556%
Guild Merchant Amy0.05556%
Assistant Eleanor0.05556%
Wanderer Stella0.05556%
Fire Swordsman Las0.81250%
Blacksmith Ratan0.81250%
Captain Leona0.81250%
Council General Veil0.81250%
Merchant Neneto0.81250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.81250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.81250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.81250%
Hairdresser Rose0.81250%
Research Professor Bell0.81250%
Regular Knight Loam0.81250%
Healer Ethan0.81250%
Owner Balder0.81250%
Chief Chef Urd0.81250%
General Manager Zelsi0.81250%
Super Server Kika0.81250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.64286%
Royal Guard Zico1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.64286%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.64286%
Vice Captain Leona1.64286%
Royal Guard Annie1.64286%
Council Researcher Faville1.64286%
Council Researcher Leah1.64286%
Council Commander1.64286%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.64286%
Store Owner Balder1.64286%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.64286%
Manager Zelsi1.64286%
New Server Kika1.64286%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.81000%
Royal Soldier Zico7.81000%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.81000%
Royal Warrior Philip7.81000%
Royal Soldier Annie7.81000%
Council Soldier Faville7.81000%
Council Member Leah7.81000%
Council General7.81000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 5)

Priest Heiter0.02000%
The Hero Himmel0.00200%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00200%
Warrior Eisen0.00200%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00200%
Warrior Stark0.00200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Dark Knight Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00194%
Enraged Nohillier0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.11111%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.11111%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.11111%
Darkness Karte0.11111%
Flame Quyi0.11111%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.11111%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.11111%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.11111%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.11111%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.11111%
Lancer Luin0.11111%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.11111%
Council Guardian Veil0.11111%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.11111%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.11111%
Potion Seller Judy0.11111%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.11111%
Stylist Rose0.11111%
Junior Knight Elisa0.11111%
Courier Delia0.11111%
Mischievous Aoife0.11111%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.11111%
Commander Fiona0.11111%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.11111%
Guild Merchant Amy0.11111%
Assistant Eleanor0.11111%
Wanderer Stella0.11111%
Fire Swordsman Las0.87500%
Blacksmith Ratan0.87500%
Captain Leona0.87500%
Council General Veil0.87500%
Merchant Neneto0.87500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.87500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.87500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.87500%
Hairdresser Rose0.87500%
Research Professor Bell0.87500%
Regular Knight Loam0.87500%
Healer Ethan0.87500%
Owner Balder0.87500%
Chief Chef Urd0.87500%
General Manager Zelsi0.87500%
Super Server Kika0.87500%
Royal Guard Elvin1.71429%
Royal Guard Zico1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.71429%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.71429%
Vice Captain Leona1.71429%
Royal Guard Annie1.71429%
Council Researcher Faville1.71429%
Council Researcher Leah1.71429%
Council Commander1.71429%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.71429%
Store Owner Balder1.71429%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.71429%
Manager Zelsi1.71429%
New Server Kika1.71429%
Royal Soldier Elvin7.36250%
Royal Soldier Zico7.36250%
Royal Warrior Dennis7.36250%
Royal Warrior Philip7.36250%
Royal Soldier Annie7.36250%
Council Soldier Faville7.36250%
Council Member Leah7.36250%
Council General7.36250%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 6)

Priest Heiter0.05500%
The Hero Himmel0.00220%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00220%
Warrior Eisen0.00220%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00220%
Warrior Stark0.00220%
Vowing Flame Las0.00122%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00122%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00122%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00122%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00122%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00122%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00122%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00122%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00122%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00122%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00122%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00122%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00122%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00122%
Lord Leon0.00122%
Dark Knight Leon0.00122%
Potion Master Judy0.00122%
Scout Elisa0.00122%
Magical Courier Delia0.00122%
Captain Aoife0.00122%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00122%
Enraged Nohillier0.00122%
Guild Master Amy0.00122%
Scholar Eleanor0.00122%
Observer Stella0.00122%
Overseer Chloe0.00122%
Emperor Gerus0.00122%
Guardian Strox0.00122%
Queen Lea0.00122%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00122%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00122%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00122%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00122%
Combat Priest Bella0.00122%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00122%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00122%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 7)

Priest Heiter0.06000%
The Hero Himmel0.00240%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00240%
Warrior Eisen0.00240%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00240%
Warrior Stark0.00240%
Vowing Flame Las0.00133%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00133%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00133%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00133%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00133%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00133%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00133%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00133%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00133%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00133%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00133%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00133%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00133%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00133%
Lord Leon0.00133%
Dark Knight Leon0.00133%
Potion Master Judy0.00133%
Scout Elisa0.00133%
Magical Courier Delia0.00133%
Captain Aoife0.00133%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00133%
Enraged Nohillier0.00133%
Guild Master Amy0.00133%
Scholar Eleanor0.00133%
Observer Stella0.00133%
Overseer Chloe0.00133%
Emperor Gerus0.00133%
Guardian Strox0.00133%
Queen Lea0.00133%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00133%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00133%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00133%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00133%
Combat Priest Bella0.00133%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00133%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00133%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 8)

Priest Heiter0.06500%
The Hero Himmel0.00260%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00260%
Warrior Eisen0.00260%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00260%
Warrior Stark0.00260%
Vowing Flame Las0.00144%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00144%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00144%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00144%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00144%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00144%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00144%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00144%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00144%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00144%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00144%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00144%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00144%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00144%
Lord Leon0.00144%
Dark Knight Leon0.00144%
Potion Master Judy0.00144%
Scout Elisa0.00144%
Magical Courier Delia0.00144%
Captain Aoife0.00144%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00144%
Enraged Nohillier0.00144%
Guild Master Amy0.00144%
Scholar Eleanor0.00144%
Observer Stella0.00144%
Overseer Chloe0.00144%
Emperor Gerus0.00144%
Guardian Strox0.00144%
Queen Lea0.00144%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00144%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00144%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00144%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00144%
Combat Priest Bella0.00144%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00144%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00144%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 9)

Priest Heiter0.07000%
The Hero Himmel0.00280%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00280%
Warrior Eisen0.00280%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00280%
Warrior Stark0.00280%
Vowing Flame Las0.00156%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00156%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00156%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00156%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00156%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00156%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00156%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00156%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00156%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00156%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00156%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00156%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00156%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00156%
Lord Leon0.00156%
Dark Knight Leon0.00156%
Potion Master Judy0.00156%
Scout Elisa0.00156%
Magical Courier Delia0.00156%
Captain Aoife0.00156%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00156%
Enraged Nohillier0.00156%
Guild Master Amy0.00156%
Scholar Eleanor0.00156%
Observer Stella0.00156%
Overseer Chloe0.00156%
Emperor Gerus0.00156%
Guardian Strox0.00156%
Queen Lea0.00156%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00156%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00156%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00156%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00156%
Combat Priest Bella0.00156%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00156%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00156%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 10)

Priest Heiter0.07500%
The Hero Himmel0.00300%
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End0.00300%
Warrior Eisen0.00300%
First-Class Mage Fern0.00300%
Warrior Stark0.00300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00167%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00167%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.00167%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00167%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00167%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00167%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00167%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00167%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00167%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00167%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00167%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00167%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00167%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00167%
Lord Leon0.00167%
Dark Knight Leon0.00167%
Potion Master Judy0.00167%
Scout Elisa0.00167%
Magical Courier Delia0.00167%
Captain Aoife0.00167%
Justice Commander Fiona0.00167%
Enraged Nohillier0.00167%
Guild Master Amy0.00167%
Scholar Eleanor0.00167%
Observer Stella0.00167%
Overseer Chloe0.00167%
Emperor Gerus0.00167%
Guardian Strox0.00167%
Queen Lea0.00167%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00167%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00167%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00167%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.00167%
Combat Priest Bella0.00167%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00167%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00167%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 8 (Lv 6)

Dark Knight Leon0.01100%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.01100%
Justice Commander Fiona0.01100%
Enraged Nohillier0.01100%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.01100%
Vowing Flame Las0.00177%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00177%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00177%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00177%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00177%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00177%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00177%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00177%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00177%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00177%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00177%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00177%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00177%
Lord Leon0.00177%
Potion Master Judy0.00177%
Scout Elisa0.00177%
Magical Courier Delia0.00177%
Captain Aoife0.00177%
Guild Master Amy0.00177%
Scholar Eleanor0.00177%
Observer Stella0.00177%
Overseer Chloe0.00177%
Emperor Gerus0.00177%
Guardian Strox0.00177%
Queen Lea0.00177%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00177%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00177%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00177%
Combat Priest Bella0.00177%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00177%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00177%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.14815%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.14815%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.14815%
Darkness Karte0.14815%
Flame Quyi0.14815%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.14815%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.14815%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.14815%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.14815%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.14815%
Lancer Luin0.14815%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.14815%
Council Guardian Veil0.14815%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.14815%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.14815%
Potion Seller Judy0.14815%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.14815%
Stylist Rose0.14815%
Junior Knight Elisa0.14815%
Courier Delia0.14815%
Mischievous Aoife0.14815%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.14815%
Commander Fiona0.14815%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.14815%
Guild Merchant Amy0.14815%
Assistant Eleanor0.14815%
Wanderer Stella0.14815%
Fire Swordsman Las0.93750%
Blacksmith Ratan0.93750%
Captain Leona0.93750%
Council General Veil0.93750%
Merchant Neneto0.93750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming0.93750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron0.93750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu0.93750%
Hairdresser Rose0.93750%
Research Professor Bell0.93750%
Regular Knight Loam0.93750%
Healer Ethan0.93750%
Owner Balder0.93750%
Chief Chef Urd0.93750%
General Manager Zelsi0.93750%
Super Server Kika0.93750%
Royal Guard Elvin1.78571%
Royal Guard Zico1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.78571%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.78571%
Vice Captain Leona1.78571%
Royal Guard Annie1.78571%
Council Researcher Faville1.78571%
Council Researcher Leah1.78571%
Council Commander1.78571%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.78571%
Store Owner Balder1.78571%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.78571%
Manager Zelsi1.78571%
New Server Kika1.78571%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.98625%
Royal Soldier Zico6.98625%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.98625%
Royal Warrior Philip6.98625%
Royal Soldier Annie6.98625%
Council Soldier Faville6.98625%
Council Member Leah6.98625%
Council General6.98625%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 8 (Lv 7)

Dark Knight Leon0.01200%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.01200%
Justice Commander Fiona0.01200%
Enraged Nohillier0.01200%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.01200%
Vowing Flame Las0.00194%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00194%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00194%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00194%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00194%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00194%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00194%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00194%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00194%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00194%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00194%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00194%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00194%
Lord Leon0.00194%
Potion Master Judy0.00194%
Scout Elisa0.00194%
Magical Courier Delia0.00194%
Captain Aoife0.00194%
Guild Master Amy0.00194%
Scholar Eleanor0.00194%
Observer Stella0.00194%
Overseer Chloe0.00194%
Emperor Gerus0.00194%
Guardian Strox0.00194%
Queen Lea0.00194%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00194%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00194%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00194%
Combat Priest Bella0.00194%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00194%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00194%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.18519%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.18519%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.18519%
Darkness Karte0.18519%
Flame Quyi0.18519%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.18519%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.18519%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.18519%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.18519%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.18519%
Lancer Luin0.18519%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.18519%
Council Guardian Veil0.18519%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.18519%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.18519%
Potion Seller Judy0.18519%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.18519%
Stylist Rose0.18519%
Junior Knight Elisa0.18519%
Courier Delia0.18519%
Mischievous Aoife0.18519%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.18519%
Commander Fiona0.18519%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.18519%
Guild Merchant Amy0.18519%
Assistant Eleanor0.18519%
Wanderer Stella0.18519%
Fire Swordsman Las1.00000%
Blacksmith Ratan1.00000%
Captain Leona1.00000%
Council General Veil1.00000%
Merchant Neneto1.00000%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.00000%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.00000%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.00000%
Hairdresser Rose1.00000%
Research Professor Bell1.00000%
Regular Knight Loam1.00000%
Healer Ethan1.00000%
Owner Balder1.00000%
Chief Chef Urd1.00000%
General Manager Zelsi1.00000%
Super Server Kika1.00000%
Royal Guard Elvin1.85714%
Royal Guard Zico1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.85714%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.85714%
Vice Captain Leona1.85714%
Royal Guard Annie1.85714%
Council Researcher Faville1.85714%
Council Researcher Leah1.85714%
Council Commander1.85714%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.85714%
Store Owner Balder1.85714%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.85714%
Manager Zelsi1.85714%
New Server Kika1.85714%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.61000%
Royal Soldier Zico6.61000%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.61000%
Royal Warrior Philip6.61000%
Royal Soldier Annie6.61000%
Council Soldier Faville6.61000%
Council Member Leah6.61000%
Council General6.61000%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 8 (Lv 8)

Dark Knight Leon0.01300%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.01300%
Justice Commander Fiona0.01300%
Enraged Nohillier0.01300%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.01300%
Vowing Flame Las0.00210%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00210%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00210%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00210%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00210%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00210%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00210%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00210%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00210%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00210%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00210%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00210%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00210%
Lord Leon0.00210%
Potion Master Judy0.00210%
Scout Elisa0.00210%
Magical Courier Delia0.00210%
Captain Aoife0.00210%
Guild Master Amy0.00210%
Scholar Eleanor0.00210%
Observer Stella0.00210%
Overseer Chloe0.00210%
Emperor Gerus0.00210%
Guardian Strox0.00210%
Queen Lea0.00210%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00210%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00210%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00210%
Combat Priest Bella0.00210%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00210%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00210%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.22222%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.22222%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.22222%
Darkness Karte0.22222%
Flame Quyi0.22222%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.22222%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.22222%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.22222%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.22222%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.22222%
Lancer Luin0.22222%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.22222%
Council Guardian Veil0.22222%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.22222%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.22222%
Potion Seller Judy0.22222%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.22222%
Stylist Rose0.22222%
Junior Knight Elisa0.22222%
Courier Delia0.22222%
Mischievous Aoife0.22222%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.22222%
Commander Fiona0.22222%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.22222%
Guild Merchant Amy0.22222%
Assistant Eleanor0.22222%
Wanderer Stella0.22222%
Fire Swordsman Las1.06250%
Blacksmith Ratan1.06250%
Captain Leona1.06250%
Council General Veil1.06250%
Merchant Neneto1.06250%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.06250%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.06250%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.06250%
Hairdresser Rose1.06250%
Research Professor Bell1.06250%
Regular Knight Loam1.06250%
Healer Ethan1.06250%
Owner Balder1.06250%
Chief Chef Urd1.06250%
General Manager Zelsi1.06250%
Super Server Kika1.06250%
Royal Guard Elvin1.92857%
Royal Guard Zico1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis1.92857%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip1.92857%
Vice Captain Leona1.92857%
Royal Guard Annie1.92857%
Council Researcher Faville1.92857%
Council Researcher Leah1.92857%
Council Commander1.92857%
Stablekeeper Bluuming1.92857%
Store Owner Balder1.92857%
Apprentice Chef Urd1.92857%
Manager Zelsi1.92857%
New Server Kika1.92857%
Royal Soldier Elvin6.23375%
Royal Soldier Zico6.23375%
Royal Warrior Dennis6.23375%
Royal Warrior Philip6.23375%
Royal Soldier Annie6.23375%
Council Soldier Faville6.23375%
Council Member Leah6.23375%
Council General6.23375%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 8 (Lv 9)

Dark Knight Leon0.01400%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.01400%
Justice Commander Fiona0.01400%
Enraged Nohillier0.01400%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.01400%
Vowing Flame Las0.00226%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00226%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00226%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00226%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00226%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00226%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00226%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00226%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00226%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00226%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00226%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00226%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00226%
Lord Leon0.00226%
Potion Master Judy0.00226%
Scout Elisa0.00226%
Magical Courier Delia0.00226%
Captain Aoife0.00226%
Guild Master Amy0.00226%
Scholar Eleanor0.00226%
Observer Stella0.00226%
Overseer Chloe0.00226%
Emperor Gerus0.00226%
Guardian Strox0.00226%
Queen Lea0.00226%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00226%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00226%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00226%
Combat Priest Bella0.00226%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00226%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00226%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.25926%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.25926%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.25926%
Darkness Karte0.25926%
Flame Quyi0.25926%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.25926%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.25926%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.25926%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.25926%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.25926%
Lancer Luin0.25926%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.25926%
Council Guardian Veil0.25926%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.25926%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.25926%
Potion Seller Judy0.25926%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.25926%
Stylist Rose0.25926%
Junior Knight Elisa0.25926%
Courier Delia0.25926%
Mischievous Aoife0.25926%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.25926%
Commander Fiona0.25926%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.25926%
Guild Merchant Amy0.25926%
Assistant Eleanor0.25926%
Wanderer Stella0.25926%
Fire Swordsman Las1.12500%
Blacksmith Ratan1.12500%
Captain Leona1.12500%
Council General Veil1.12500%
Merchant Neneto1.12500%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.12500%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.12500%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.12500%
Hairdresser Rose1.12500%
Research Professor Bell1.12500%
Regular Knight Loam1.12500%
Healer Ethan1.12500%
Owner Balder1.12500%
Chief Chef Urd1.12500%
General Manager Zelsi1.12500%
Super Server Kika1.12500%
Royal Guard Elvin2.00000%
Royal Guard Zico2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.00000%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.00000%
Vice Captain Leona2.00000%
Royal Guard Annie2.00000%
Council Researcher Faville2.00000%
Council Researcher Leah2.00000%
Council Commander2.00000%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.00000%
Store Owner Balder2.00000%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.00000%
Manager Zelsi2.00000%
New Server Kika2.00000%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.85750%
Royal Soldier Zico5.85750%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.85750%
Royal Warrior Philip5.85750%
Royal Soldier Annie5.85750%
Council Soldier Faville5.85750%
Council Member Leah5.85750%
Council General5.85750%

Hero Rate-Up Summon 8 (Lv 10)

Dark Knight Leon0.01500%
Immutable Crag Wyin0.01500%
Justice Commander Fiona0.01500%
Enraged Nohillier0.01500%
Oath of Protection Karlitch0.01500%
Vowing Flame Las0.00242%
Quickening Wave Seriade0.00242%
Undaunted Darkness Karte0.00242%
Wishing Spark Quyi0.00242%
Hawk Eye Ludmilla0.00242%
Violet Blade Karcion0.00242%
Single-minded Frost Kaito0.00242%
Craving Darkness Dark Karcion0.00242%
Aspiring Flame Ignox0.00242%
Continuous Hope Yuna0.00242%
Wandering Flash Orta0.00242%
Merciless Darkness Jun0.00242%
Turbulent Wild Flower Luin0.00242%
Lord Leon0.00242%
Potion Master Judy0.00242%
Scout Elisa0.00242%
Magical Courier Delia0.00242%
Captain Aoife0.00242%
Guild Master Amy0.00242%
Scholar Eleanor0.00242%
Observer Stella0.00242%
Overseer Chloe0.00242%
Emperor Gerus0.00242%
Guardian Strox0.00242%
Queen Lea0.00242%
Blessing of Silver Light Christina0.00242%
Owner of the Forbidden Book Elio0.00242%
Great Wizard Reinhilt0.00242%
Combat Priest Bella0.00242%
Combat Fanatic Talon0.00242%
Emperor's Sword Hakan0.00242%
Water Elementalist Seriade0.29630%
Head Blacksmith Ratan0.29630%
Earth Guardian Wyin0.29630%
Darkness Karte0.29630%
Flame Quyi0.29630%
Frost Warrior Kaito0.29630%
Wind-Sniper Namarie0.29630%
Hope-Singing Yuna0.29630%
Flash-Cutting Orta0.29630%
Darkness Puppeteer Jun0.29630%
Lancer Luin0.29630%
Twilight Watcher Mikokoro0.29630%
Council Guardian Veil0.29630%
Grand Merchant Neneto0.29630%
Guild Guardian Aaron0.29630%
Potion Seller Judy0.29630%
Hall Guardian Yuu0.29630%
Stylist Rose0.29630%
Junior Knight Elisa0.29630%
Courier Delia0.29630%
Mischievous Aoife0.29630%
Know-It-All Professor Bell0.29630%
Commander Fiona0.29630%
Iron-blooded Nohillier0.29630%
Guild Merchant Amy0.29630%
Assistant Eleanor0.29630%
Wanderer Stella0.29630%
Fire Swordsman Las1.18750%
Blacksmith Ratan1.18750%
Captain Leona1.18750%
Council General Veil1.18750%
Merchant Neneto1.18750%
Head Stablekeeper Bluuming1.18750%
Guild Caretaker Aaron1.18750%
Hall Caretaker Yuu1.18750%
Hairdresser Rose1.18750%
Research Professor Bell1.18750%
Regular Knight Loam1.18750%
Healer Ethan1.18750%
Owner Balder1.18750%
Chief Chef Urd1.18750%
General Manager Zelsi1.18750%
Super Server Kika1.18750%
Royal Guard Elvin2.07143%
Royal Guard Zico2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Dennis2.07143%
Elite Royal Soldier Philip2.07143%
Vice Captain Leona2.07143%
Royal Guard Annie2.07143%
Council Researcher Faville2.07143%
Council Researcher Leah2.07143%
Council Commander2.07143%
Stablekeeper Bluuming2.07143%
Store Owner Balder2.07143%
Apprentice Chef Urd2.07143%
Manager Zelsi2.07143%
New Server Kika2.07143%
Royal Soldier Elvin5.48125%
Royal Soldier Zico5.48125%
Royal Warrior Dennis5.48125%
Royal Warrior Philip5.48125%
Royal Soldier Annie5.48125%
Council Soldier Faville5.48125%
Council Member Leah5.48125%
Council General5.48125%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 6)

Sky Guardian0.01540%
Tahama’s Stigma0.01540%
Selina’s Kindness0.01540%
Unicorn of Wish0.01540%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.01540%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00183%
Flower Party0.00183%
Forest Guardian0.00183%
Dawn of Shetia0.00183%
Victorious Knight0.00183%
Dream Guide0.00183%
Secretive Astrologer0.00183%
Snow Child0.00183%
Princess' Right0.00183%
Herald of Dawn0.00183%
Cradle of Stars0.00183%
Fiend Lord0.00183%
Der Freischütz0.00183%
Sweet Whisper0.00183%
Ebony Demon King0.00183%
Halphas' Footprint0.00183%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00183%
Caim’s Night0.00183%
River Song0.30769%
Banner of Counterattack0.30769%
Falling Nova0.30769%
Another Story0.30769%
Hidden Face0.30769%
Primordial Sea0.30769%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.30769%
Spring Hill0.30769%
Fairy’s Invitation0.30769%
Radiant Adjudicator0.30769%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.30769%
The Waiting0.30769%
Bride’s Tears1.87500%
Rampart Keeper1.87500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.87500%
Call to Arms1.87500%
War God’s Blow1.87500%
The Dominator1.87500%
Black Witch’s Hat1.87500%
Eye of Madness1.87500%
The Moon Unreachable4.16667%
Flame Shower4.16667%
Heavenly Wish4.16667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.16667%
Gates of Glory4.16667%
Haunted Woods4.16667%
To the Dragon's Hill9.31500%
The Resolution9.31500%
Impregnable Fortress9.31500%
Righteous Judgement9.31500%
Golden Rest9.31500%
Fallen Skyway9.31500%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 7)

Sky Guardian0.01680%
Tahama’s Stigma0.01680%
Selina’s Kindness0.01680%
Unicorn of Wish0.01680%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.01680%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00200%
Flower Party0.00200%
Forest Guardian0.00200%
Dawn of Shetia0.00200%
Victorious Knight0.00200%
Dream Guide0.00200%
Secretive Astrologer0.00200%
Snow Child0.00200%
Princess' Right0.00200%
Herald of Dawn0.00200%
Cradle of Stars0.00200%
Fiend Lord0.00200%
Der Freischütz0.00200%
Sweet Whisper0.00200%
Ebony Demon King0.00200%
Halphas' Footprint0.00200%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00200%
Caim’s Night0.00200%
River Song0.38462%
Banner of Counterattack0.38462%
Falling Nova0.38462%
Another Story0.38462%
Hidden Face0.38462%
Primordial Sea0.38462%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.38462%
Spring Hill0.38462%
Fairy’s Invitation0.38462%
Radiant Adjudicator0.38462%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.38462%
The Waiting0.38462%
Bride’s Tears2.00000%
Rampart Keeper2.00000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.00000%
Call to Arms2.00000%
War God’s Blow2.00000%
The Dominator2.00000%
Black Witch’s Hat2.00000%
Eye of Madness2.00000%
The Moon Unreachable4.33333%
Flame Shower4.33333%
Heavenly Wish4.33333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.33333%
Gates of Glory4.33333%
Haunted Woods4.33333%
To the Dragon's Hill8.81333%
The Resolution8.81333%
Impregnable Fortress8.81333%
Righteous Judgement8.81333%
Golden Rest8.81333%
Fallen Skyway8.81333%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 8)

Sky Guardian0.01820%
Tahama’s Stigma0.01820%
Selina’s Kindness0.01820%
Unicorn of Wish0.01820%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.01820%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00217%
Flower Party0.00217%
Forest Guardian0.00217%
Dawn of Shetia0.00217%
Victorious Knight0.00217%
Dream Guide0.00217%
Secretive Astrologer0.00217%
Snow Child0.00217%
Princess' Right0.00217%
Herald of Dawn0.00217%
Cradle of Stars0.00217%
Fiend Lord0.00217%
Der Freischütz0.00217%
Sweet Whisper0.00217%
Ebony Demon King0.00217%
Halphas' Footprint0.00217%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00217%
Caim’s Night0.00217%
River Song0.46154%
Banner of Counterattack0.46154%
Falling Nova0.46154%
Another Story0.46154%
Hidden Face0.46154%
Primordial Sea0.46154%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.46154%
Spring Hill0.46154%
Fairy’s Invitation0.46154%
Radiant Adjudicator0.46154%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.46154%
The Waiting0.46154%
Bride’s Tears2.12500%
Rampart Keeper2.12500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.12500%
Call to Arms2.12500%
War God’s Blow2.12500%
The Dominator2.12500%
Black Witch’s Hat2.12500%
Eye of Madness2.12500%
The Moon Unreachable4.50000%
Flame Shower4.50000%
Heavenly Wish4.50000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.50000%
Gates of Glory4.50000%
Haunted Woods4.50000%
To the Dragon's Hill8.31167%
The Resolution8.31167%
Impregnable Fortress8.31167%
Righteous Judgement8.31167%
Golden Rest8.31167%
Fallen Skyway8.31167%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 9)

Sky Guardian0.01960%
Tahama’s Stigma0.01960%
Selina’s Kindness0.01960%
Unicorn of Wish0.01960%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.01960%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00233%
Flower Party0.00233%
Forest Guardian0.00233%
Dawn of Shetia0.00233%
Victorious Knight0.00233%
Dream Guide0.00233%
Secretive Astrologer0.00233%
Snow Child0.00233%
Princess' Right0.00233%
Herald of Dawn0.00233%
Cradle of Stars0.00233%
Fiend Lord0.00233%
Der Freischütz0.00233%
Sweet Whisper0.00233%
Ebony Demon King0.00233%
Halphas' Footprint0.00233%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00233%
Caim’s Night0.00233%
River Song0.53846%
Banner of Counterattack0.53846%
Falling Nova0.53846%
Another Story0.53846%
Hidden Face0.53846%
Primordial Sea0.53846%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.53846%
Spring Hill0.53846%
Fairy’s Invitation0.53846%
Radiant Adjudicator0.53846%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.53846%
The Waiting0.53846%
Bride’s Tears2.25000%
Rampart Keeper2.25000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.25000%
Call to Arms2.25000%
War God’s Blow2.25000%
The Dominator2.25000%
Black Witch’s Hat2.25000%
Eye of Madness2.25000%
The Moon Unreachable4.66667%
Flame Shower4.66667%
Heavenly Wish4.66667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.66667%
Gates of Glory4.66667%
Haunted Woods4.66667%
To the Dragon's Hill7.81000%
The Resolution7.81000%
Impregnable Fortress7.81000%
Righteous Judgement7.81000%
Golden Rest7.81000%
Fallen Skyway7.81000%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 1 (Lv 10)

Sky Guardian0.02100%
Tahama’s Stigma0.02100%
Selina’s Kindness0.02100%
Unicorn of Wish0.02100%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.02100%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00250%
Flower Party0.00250%
Forest Guardian0.00250%
Dawn of Shetia0.00250%
Victorious Knight0.00250%
Dream Guide0.00250%
Secretive Astrologer0.00250%
Snow Child0.00250%
Princess' Right0.00250%
Herald of Dawn0.00250%
Cradle of Stars0.00250%
Fiend Lord0.00250%
Der Freischütz0.00250%
Sweet Whisper0.00250%
Ebony Demon King0.00250%
Halphas' Footprint0.00250%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00250%
Caim’s Night0.00250%
River Song0.61538%
Banner of Counterattack0.61538%
Falling Nova0.61538%
Another Story0.61538%
Hidden Face0.61538%
Primordial Sea0.61538%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.61538%
Spring Hill0.61538%
Fairy’s Invitation0.61538%
Radiant Adjudicator0.61538%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.61538%
The Waiting0.61538%
Bride’s Tears2.37500%
Rampart Keeper2.37500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.37500%
Call to Arms2.37500%
War God’s Blow2.37500%
The Dominator2.37500%
Black Witch’s Hat2.37500%
Eye of Madness2.37500%
The Moon Unreachable4.83333%
Flame Shower4.83333%
Heavenly Wish4.83333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.83333%
Gates of Glory4.83333%
Haunted Woods4.83333%
To the Dragon's Hill7.30833%
The Resolution7.30833%
Impregnable Fortress7.30833%
Righteous Judgement7.30833%
Golden Rest7.30833%
Fallen Skyway7.30833%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 1)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.02000%
The Moon Unreachable3.33333%
Flame Shower3.33333%
Heavenly Wish3.33333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.33333%
Gates of Glory3.33333%
Haunted Woods3.33333%
To the Dragon's Hill13.33000%
The Resolution13.33000%
Impregnable Fortress13.33000%
Righteous Judgement13.33000%
Golden Rest13.33000%
Fallen Skyway13.33000%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 2)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.02000%
Bride’s Tears0.96250%
Rampart Keeper0.96250%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper0.96250%
Call to Arms0.96250%
War God’s Blow0.96250%
The Dominator0.96250%
Black Witch’s Hat0.96250%
Eye of Madness0.96250%
The Moon Unreachable3.50000%
Flame Shower3.50000%
Heavenly Wish3.50000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.50000%
Gates of Glory3.50000%
Haunted Woods3.50000%
To the Dragon's Hill11.88000%
The Resolution11.88000%
Impregnable Fortress11.88000%
Righteous Judgement11.88000%
Golden Rest11.88000%
Fallen Skyway11.88000%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 3)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.02000%
River Song0.05385%
Banner of Counterattack0.05385%
Falling Nova0.05385%
Another Story0.05385%
Hidden Face0.05385%
Primordial Sea0.05385%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.05385%
Spring Hill0.05385%
Fairy’s Invitation0.05385%
Radiant Adjudicator0.05385%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.05385%
The Waiting0.05385%
Bride’s Tears1.05000%
Rampart Keeper1.05000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.05000%
Call to Arms1.05000%
War God’s Blow1.05000%
The Dominator1.05000%
Black Witch’s Hat1.05000%
Eye of Madness1.05000%
The Moon Unreachable3.66667%
Flame Shower3.66667%
Heavenly Wish3.66667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.66667%
Gates of Glory3.66667%
Haunted Woods3.66667%
To the Dragon's Hill11.48000%
The Resolution11.48000%
Impregnable Fortress11.48000%
Righteous Judgement11.48000%
Golden Rest11.48000%
Fallen Skyway11.48000%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 4)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.02000%
River Song0.11538%
Banner of Counterattack0.11538%
Falling Nova0.11538%
Another Story0.11538%
Hidden Face0.11538%
Primordial Sea0.11538%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.11538%
Spring Hill0.11538%
Fairy’s Invitation0.11538%
Radiant Adjudicator0.11538%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.11538%
The Waiting0.11538%
Bride’s Tears1.62500%
Rampart Keeper1.62500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.62500%
Call to Arms1.62500%
War God’s Blow1.62500%
The Dominator1.62500%
Black Witch’s Hat1.62500%
Eye of Madness1.62500%
The Moon Unreachable3.83333%
Flame Shower3.83333%
Heavenly Wish3.83333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse3.83333%
Gates of Glory3.83333%
Haunted Woods3.83333%
To the Dragon's Hill10.41333%
The Resolution10.41333%
Impregnable Fortress10.41333%
Righteous Judgement10.41333%
Golden Rest10.41333%
Fallen Skyway10.41333%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 5)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.02000%
Sky Guardian0.00333%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00333%
Selina’s Kindness0.00333%
Flower Party0.00333%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00333%
Forest Guardian0.00333%
Dawn of Shetia0.00333%
Victorious Knight0.00333%
Dream Guide0.00333%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00333%
Secretive Astrologer0.00333%
Snow Child0.00333%
Princess' Right0.00333%
Herald of Dawn0.00333%
Cradle of Stars0.00333%
Fiend Lord0.00333%
Der Freischütz0.00333%
Sweet Whisper0.00333%
Unicorn of Wish0.00333%
Ebony Demon King0.00333%
Halphas' Footprint0.00333%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00333%
Caim’s Night0.00333%
The Elder Sage of Corruption Qual0.00333%
River Song0.23077%
Banner of Counterattack0.23077%
Falling Nova0.23077%
Another Story0.23077%
Hidden Face0.23077%
Primordial Sea0.23077%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.23077%
Spring Hill0.23077%
Fairy’s Invitation0.23077%
Radiant Adjudicator0.23077%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.23077%
The Waiting0.23077%
Bride’s Tears1.75000%
Rampart Keeper1.75000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.75000%
Call to Arms1.75000%
War God’s Blow1.75000%
The Dominator1.75000%
Black Witch’s Hat1.75000%
Eye of Madness1.75000%
The Moon Unreachable4.00000%
Flame Shower4.00000%
Heavenly Wish4.00000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.00000%
Gates of Glory4.00000%
Haunted Woods4.00000%
To the Dragon's Hill9.81667%
The Resolution9.81667%
Impregnable Fortress9.81667%
Righteous Judgement9.81667%
Golden Rest9.81667%
Fallen Skyway9.81667%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 6)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.05500%
Sky Guardian0.00229%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00229%
Selina’s Kindness0.00229%
Flower Party0.00229%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00229%
Forest Guardian0.00229%
Dawn of Shetia0.00229%
Victorious Knight0.00229%
Dream Guide0.00229%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00229%
Secretive Astrologer0.00229%
Snow Child0.00229%
Princess' Right0.00229%
Herald of Dawn0.00229%
Cradle of Stars0.00229%
Fiend Lord0.00229%
Der Freischütz0.00229%
Sweet Whisper0.00229%
Unicorn of Wish0.00229%
Ebony Demon King0.00229%
Halphas' Footprint0.00229%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00229%
Caim’s Night0.00229%
The Elder Sage of Corruption Qual0.00229%
River Song0.30769%
Banner of Counterattack0.30769%
Falling Nova0.30769%
Another Story0.30769%
Hidden Face0.30769%
Primordial Sea0.30769%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.30769%
Spring Hill0.30769%
Fairy’s Invitation0.30769%
Radiant Adjudicator0.30769%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.30769%
The Waiting0.30769%
Bride’s Tears1.87500%
Rampart Keeper1.87500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper1.87500%
Call to Arms1.87500%
War God’s Blow1.87500%
The Dominator1.87500%
Black Witch’s Hat1.87500%
Eye of Madness1.87500%
The Moon Unreachable4.16667%
Flame Shower4.16667%
Heavenly Wish4.16667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.16667%
Gates of Glory4.16667%
Haunted Woods4.16667%
To the Dragon's Hill9.31500%
The Resolution9.31500%
Impregnable Fortress9.31500%
Righteous Judgement9.31500%
Golden Rest9.31500%
Fallen Skyway9.31500%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 7)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.06000%
Sky Guardian0.00250%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00250%
Selina’s Kindness0.00250%
Flower Party0.00250%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00250%
Forest Guardian0.00250%
Dawn of Shetia0.00250%
Victorious Knight0.00250%
Dream Guide0.00250%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00250%
Secretive Astrologer0.00250%
Snow Child0.00250%
Princess' Right0.00250%
Herald of Dawn0.00250%
Cradle of Stars0.00250%
Fiend Lord0.00250%
Der Freischütz0.00250%
Sweet Whisper0.00250%
Unicorn of Wish0.00250%
Ebony Demon King0.00250%
Halphas' Footprint0.00250%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00250%
Caim’s Night0.00250%
The Elder Sage of Corruption Qual0.00250%
River Song0.38462%
Banner of Counterattack0.38462%
Falling Nova0.38462%
Another Story0.38462%
Hidden Face0.38462%
Primordial Sea0.38462%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.38462%
Spring Hill0.38462%
Fairy’s Invitation0.38462%
Radiant Adjudicator0.38462%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.38462%
The Waiting0.38462%
Bride’s Tears2.00000%
Rampart Keeper2.00000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.00000%
Call to Arms2.00000%
War God’s Blow2.00000%
The Dominator2.00000%
Black Witch’s Hat2.00000%
Eye of Madness2.00000%
The Moon Unreachable4.33333%
Flame Shower4.33333%
Heavenly Wish4.33333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.33333%
Gates of Glory4.33333%
Haunted Woods4.33333%
To the Dragon's Hill8.81333%
The Resolution8.81333%
Impregnable Fortress8.81333%
Righteous Judgement8.81333%
Golden Rest8.81333%
Fallen Skyway8.81333%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 8)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.06500%
Sky Guardian0.00271%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00271%
Selina’s Kindness0.00271%
Flower Party0.00271%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00271%
Forest Guardian0.00271%
Dawn of Shetia0.00271%
Victorious Knight0.00271%
Dream Guide0.00271%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00271%
Secretive Astrologer0.00271%
Snow Child0.00271%
Princess' Right0.00271%
Herald of Dawn0.00271%
Cradle of Stars0.00271%
Fiend Lord0.00271%
Der Freischütz0.00271%
Sweet Whisper0.00271%
Unicorn of Wish0.00271%
Ebony Demon King0.00271%
Halphas' Footprint0.00271%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00271%
Caim’s Night0.00271%
The Elder Sage of Corruption Qual0.00271%
River Song0.46154%
Banner of Counterattack0.46154%
Falling Nova0.46154%
Another Story0.46154%
Hidden Face0.46154%
Primordial Sea0.46154%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.46154%
Spring Hill0.46154%
Fairy’s Invitation0.46154%
Radiant Adjudicator0.46154%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.46154%
The Waiting0.46154%
Bride’s Tears2.12500%
Rampart Keeper2.12500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.12500%
Call to Arms2.12500%
War God’s Blow2.12500%
The Dominator2.12500%
Black Witch’s Hat2.12500%
Eye of Madness2.12500%
The Moon Unreachable4.50000%
Flame Shower4.50000%
Heavenly Wish4.50000%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.50000%
Gates of Glory4.50000%
Haunted Woods4.50000%
To the Dragon's Hill8.31167%
The Resolution8.31167%
Impregnable Fortress8.31167%
Righteous Judgement8.31167%
Golden Rest8.31167%
Fallen Skyway8.31167%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 9)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.07000%
Sky Guardian0.00292%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00292%
Selina’s Kindness0.00292%
Flower Party0.00292%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00292%
Forest Guardian0.00292%
Dawn of Shetia0.00292%
Victorious Knight0.00292%
Dream Guide0.00292%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00292%
Secretive Astrologer0.00292%
Snow Child0.00292%
Princess' Right0.00292%
Herald of Dawn0.00292%
Cradle of Stars0.00292%
Fiend Lord0.00292%
Der Freischütz0.00292%
Sweet Whisper0.00292%
Unicorn of Wish0.00292%
Ebony Demon King0.00292%
Halphas' Footprint0.00292%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00292%
Caim’s Night0.00292%
The Elder Sage of Corruption Qual0.00292%
River Song0.53846%
Banner of Counterattack0.53846%
Falling Nova0.53846%
Another Story0.53846%
Hidden Face0.53846%
Primordial Sea0.53846%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.53846%
Spring Hill0.53846%
Fairy’s Invitation0.53846%
Radiant Adjudicator0.53846%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.53846%
The Waiting0.53846%
Bride’s Tears2.25000%
Rampart Keeper2.25000%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.25000%
Call to Arms2.25000%
War God’s Blow2.25000%
The Dominator2.25000%
Black Witch’s Hat2.25000%
Eye of Madness2.25000%
The Moon Unreachable4.66667%
Flame Shower4.66667%
Heavenly Wish4.66667%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.66667%
Gates of Glory4.66667%
Haunted Woods4.66667%
To the Dragon's Hill7.81000%
The Resolution7.81000%
Impregnable Fortress7.81000%
Righteous Judgement7.81000%
Golden Rest7.81000%
Fallen Skyway7.81000%

Artifact Rate-Up Summon 6 (Lv 10)

Spiegel (Water-Mirror Demon)0.07500%
Sky Guardian0.00312%
Abyssal Gatekeeper0.00312%
Selina’s Kindness0.00312%
Flower Party0.00312%
Tahama’s Stigma0.00312%
Forest Guardian0.00312%
Dawn of Shetia0.00312%
Victorious Knight0.00312%
Dream Guide0.00312%
Holy Wizard's Goblet0.00312%
Secretive Astrologer0.00312%
Snow Child0.00312%
Princess' Right0.00312%
Herald of Dawn0.00312%
Cradle of Stars0.00312%
Fiend Lord0.00312%
Der Freischütz0.00312%
Sweet Whisper0.00312%
Unicorn of Wish0.00312%
Ebony Demon King0.00312%
Halphas' Footprint0.00312%
Lightning Incarnate Barbatos0.00312%
Caim’s Night0.00312%
The Elder Sage of Corruption Qual0.00312%
River Song0.61538%
Banner of Counterattack0.61538%
Falling Nova0.61538%
Another Story0.61538%
Hidden Face0.61538%
Primordial Sea0.61538%
Half Dragon Half Hero0.61538%
Spring Hill0.61538%
Fairy’s Invitation0.61538%
Radiant Adjudicator0.61538%
Betrayer of the Full Moon0.61538%
The Waiting0.61538%
Bride’s Tears2.37500%
Rampart Keeper2.37500%
Sacred Tree’s Whisper2.37500%
Call to Arms2.37500%
War God’s Blow2.37500%
The Dominator2.37500%
Black Witch’s Hat2.37500%
Eye of Madness2.37500%
The Moon Unreachable4.83333%
Flame Shower4.83333%
Heavenly Wish4.83333%
Gridor’s Lighthouse4.83333%
Gates of Glory4.83333%
Haunted Woods4.83333%
To the Dragon's Hill7.30833%
The Resolution7.30833%
Impregnable Fortress7.30833%
Righteous Judgement7.30833%
Golden Rest7.30833%
Fallen Skyway7.30833%