[Notice] 1st Week of August Update | GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS
GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS Notice
[Notice] 1st Week of August Update

Dear Captains, 

Over the weekend, we addressed and reviewed bugs related to the Sanctuary of the Warrior, but due to external issues, the review has not passed, and we are undergoing a re-evaluation.

We are responding swiftly to this matter and expect to introduce the new build on the 8th after completing it by the 7th.

Please note that depending on the circumstances the update can be postponed to the 13th. 

We apologize for delivering unfortunate news to our Captains who have been waiting and promise to focus on preparing updates to avoid any delays in the future.

Below are additional updates that will be applied on the 8th, along with the Sanctuary of the Warrior. 

We have strengthened the content based on the feedback from our Captains.

We have prepared compensation to apologize for the long wait.

August 8 Compensation : 30,000 Diamonds

◆ Regular weekly coupon issuance planned.

◆ Daily push rewards scheduled.

◆ To ease the burden of purchasing the [Gold] Mikokoro Costume Summon Ticket, 14 costume tickets will be provided through the event exchange shop.

※ (Previous) 10 tickets → (Changed) 14 tickets

◆ Additional items in the Hideout Exchange Shop

- New resort Hideout added 

[Push Rewards]

Sunday - Hero Summon Ticet100
Monday - Diamond2,000
Tuesday - Gold (8 Hours)
 - EXP (8 Hours)
Wednesday - Artifact Summon Ticket100
Thursday - Steak
 - Seafood Stew
 - Mushroom Platter
Friday - Steak
 - Seafood Stew
 - Mushroom Platter
Saturday - Gold Dungeon Ticket
 - Hero EXP Dungeon Ticket
 - Potential Dungeon Ticket
 - Artifact Dungeon Ticket