Eleventh Developer’s Note (2024.08.16) | GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS
GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS Notice
Eleventh Developer’s Note (2024.08.16)

Hello, this is Xenon, the PD of Grand Saga IDLE: KNIGHTS X KNIGHTS.

To fully perform the planned updates for August, our team is currently pouring our efforts on each parts that we are assigned in. 

Following with today’s update, we will do our best to provide the contents as scheduled.

We would like to share the new visuals and the vision of the game in the long term including the Sanctuary of the Warrior, the Wishlist and the addition of the Idle Rewards which is planned to be shown in August.

1. Ebony Dragon Ishmael's Lair (Dungeon)

As mentioned before, the story of Ishmael will be unveiled in Chapter 3. 

Ishmael will be temporarily joining Las's Knight Order for several reasons that will be unfolded.

The Black Dragon Ishmael, being an embodiment of a dragon, is expected to display a formidable appearance.

 At the same time, preparations are underway for players to gain the qualification and recruit Ismael by conquering his lair.

Below is the initial concept design of Ismael.

In addition to Ishmael, we plan to introduce dragons that dominate each element sequentially. 

We will open dungeons at different times, allowing players to enjoy the fun and satisfaction of conquering each dungeon through various combinations of elements and skills.

For example, Ishmael's Lair is centered around the dark element, and players will need to build their deck around the light element and other mechanics for a strategic approach to conquering the content.

2. Additional Information on the Server Defense 

The highly anticipated server defense battle is also progressing rapidly in preparation.

We would like to first share information about the enemy leading the invasion with the commanders.

"The Shadow Lord (tentative name), who has gained power from the rift, aims to overthrow the world and gain strength from it. We ask the commanders to stop the Shadow Lord (tentative name) through the server defense battle and protect Ethprozen."

3. Gran Weapon System

We would like to first share the current appearance of the Gran Weapons being prepared.

Gran Weapons are entities that have transcended time and space and can manifest their power when certain conditions are met. 

Each Gran Weapon is associated with a specific hero and is designed to synergize with the heroes developed in the deck.

We are devising ways to reduce the burden of acquiring heroes through unlocking and obtaining structures. 

We will continuously improve the acquisition structures, which are currently focused on summoning, to lessen the burden.

Instead of imposing special restrictions, we plan to allow additional effects based on relationships, maintaining flexibility in team composition and reducing burden.

Going forward, we will work on improvements to preserve the value of existing heroes, allowing them to be further utilized rather than replacing them with new heroes.


4. September - Day 100 Event Reveiled!

On the 100th day, a story featuring other members of the "Apocalypse 7" who have not been revealed until now—namely "Caelum," "Orchid," "Xenon," and "Sarcina"—will be unveiled.

We are preparing various content, including a story set in the Empire's casino, rich rewards, and new mini-games. We hope the commanders will look forward to these updates.

Additionally, we are revealing a new look for Talon and Caelum, who will find themselves in unexpected situations at the casino.

*Talon’s costume will be available through diamonds and is currently being prepared.

We would like to express our gratitude to the captains who always give us a lot of love, 

and we will do our best to improve the structure of the game and make the content fruitful. 

Thank you for your continued support!