Thirteenth Dev Note (2024.08.30) + Coupon CODE | GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS
GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS Notice
Thirteenth Dev Note (2024.08.30) + Coupon CODE

Hello, this is PD Xenon!

This week, we've updated Idle rewards, auto-challenges in the Arena, and furthermore!

Our team will do our best to improve our game considering the positive feedback from many Captains.

We’re going to focus on the wishlist and the 100th Day Event and give a sneak peak of the direction of our future contents.

We sincerely apologize for the postponement of the Server Defense Battle and the rescheduling of the Tower of Challenges.


For further details, please check below; 

1. Wishlist

We’d like to make sure that Captains consistently get their favorite attribute and type of Hero from the Normal Hero Summon.

To make it more meaningful to have a large number of summons, the feature that allows captains to gradually reduce the number of slots on your wishlist over time is prepared as well. 

Captains will be able to utilize a different number of slots for summoning based on the number of summons you have accumulated since the feature was introduced to reflect your existing summon count.

*As this is a draft currently under development, the number of target heroes for each type may change.

2. 100 Day Event

The 100 Day Event will bring the Apocalypse 7 as the story progresses. 

Please stay tuned and look forward to seeing the stories and new Dungeons, new heroes from Barneyland.

3. Introduction of Caelum and Wind Elemental King

Caelum is a character who can deal damage as well as defend, making up for the lack of dealer and defender.

Caelum draws enemies in and focuses the team's power, and also grants additional blast damage based on defense.

Wind Elemental King will appear.

Wind Elemental King will use powerful vortex patterns and other general effects. Please try attacking with new combinations and strategies.

4. Details of Future Update Directions

Additionally, We’ll also share what we’re currently working on and where we’re headed based on our priorities.

1. Increasing the Challenge difficulty and Rewards. 

  • The entire rewards will be increased because we aim to make sure that everyone can tackle the top stages with higher difficulty and rewards rather than making it easy for anyone to clear the final 75 stages.

2. Introduction World Challenges 
* This is still in planning and may change.

  • As we now have a large number of powerful heroes, we're planning to have two decks for back-to-back battles, with each elemental king appearing alongside the other. 
  • The existing Elemental King content will be revamped to allow only players who have cleared a certain stage to participate. 
  • With no attribute restrictions, players can freely assemble a team of 14 heroes, creating the atmosphere of a grand championship where the entire server competes together.
  • Additionally, rewards will be distributed to all players on a server based on the performance of their representative commanders. 
  • A system is also being developed to celebrate these top performers, which includes displaying congratulatory messages and offering additional reward opportunities for those who join in the celebrations.

3. Improved Arena rules and rewards

  • The rules in the Arena will be improved so that the deck order and deck composition make sense.
  • The increased rewards will be unveiled soon. 

4. Artifact Star

  • Adding new stats to Star Artifacts and refining them to better align with their respective stat values

5. Pet System

  • We are preparing a cute pet system designed to integrate with in-game content and stage hunting. 
  • Before the system is officially introduced, we plan to host an event where players can obtain and experience the pets in advance.

6. Addition of Limited Rewards for Higher Stages in Growth Dungeons

  • To give more meaning to clearing higher stages in each dungeon, we are planning limited currencies and uses tailored for these challenges.

7. Utilization Plans for Surplus Hero/Artifact Shards Beyond 10 Stars

  • Though mentioned in the June developer's note, the release has been delayed due to balancing issues. 
  • We aim to share detailed information as soon as the plan is ready.

8. Level Cap Increase

  • We are preparing a system to lift the level-up cap, related to hero acquisition and development.

5. Postponement of Scheduled August Updates and Timeline for Future Implementation

1. Server Defense Battle

Initially scheduled for August, this content is now planned to be introduced in two phases throughout September. 

Due to the need for further enhancements to in-game content, we have adjusted the direction to better showcase our Captain's capabilities and provide a sense of achievement.

2. Tower of Challenge (Elemental)

While preparing to emphasize the role of elemental dealers, we introduced equipment farming first to distinguish the role from the Sanctuary of the Warrior. 

With the popularity of the Sanctuary of the Warrior following the recent update, we aim to quickly refine and release the Tower of Challenge. We're working on enhancing the existing version with additional features, aiming for a release around the end of September. 

The goal is to introduce unique enemies and exclusive rewards to make it more engaging.

Finally, the "Collaboration" that many commanders have requested is also in the preparatory stages. 

After the 100-day event, we expect to share concrete information, and we are just as excited as you are.

We are preparing two collaborations, one with a "super cute IP" and another with a "separate IP," and plan to introduce them in stages. 

We appreciate your anticipation, interest, and support.

Thank you.

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