[Notice] 9/5(THU) Update Notice | GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS
GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS Update Note
[Notice] 9/5(THU) Update Notice

Dear Captains,

We would like to share the update details scheduled for September 5th as follow.

We are deeply thankful for your huge support and interest.

1. 100-Day Anniversary Attendance Event: 100-Day Celebration ~ Bunny’s Gifts

① Double Attendance Event: Don’t miss out on abundant rewards, including the Artifact Selection Box!

  • 7-Day Attendance Book x4: A golden opportunity to acquire 2 new heroes!

- Week 1: 24.09.05 ~ 24.09.11

- Week 2: 24.09.12 ~ 24.09.18

- Week 3: 24.09.19 ~ 24.09.25

- Week 4: 24.09.26 ~ 24.10.02

  • 28-Day Attendance Book: Attend daily from September 5 to October 2 to receive various rewards over 28 days.

28-Day Attendance Book7-Day Attendance Book
Attendance Reward ListAvailable QuantityAttendance Reward ListAvailable Quantity
Diamond40,000Gold: 24 Hours4
Rate up Artifact Summon Ticket600Hero EXP: 24 Hours4
Artifact Summon Ticket1,200Guaranted Legendary Hero8
Potential Dungeon Ticket3Artifact Summon Ticket1,200
Gold Dungeon Ticket3Hero Summon ticket600
EXP Dungeon Ticket3Potential Dungeon Ticket3
Artifact Dungeon Ticket3Gold Dungeon Ticket3
Legendary Artifact Chest 2Hero EXP Dungeon Ticket3
Legendary Hero Summon Chest2Artifact Dungeon Ticket3
Guaranteed Legendary Hero Summon Chest6--
Artifact selection Chest4--

2. 100 Day Event

[Story Event]

- The Apocalypse 7 have arrived in the fascinating Casino Resort. 
Caelum and Talon disguised in Bunny Costumes!? Unfoldtheir thrilling adventure story!

[Event Costume]

  • Caelum (Gold Ticket) 

  • Talon (Silver Ticket) 

  • Orchid (Silver Ticket)

  • Bella, Sarcina, Hakan, Xenon: Available for acquisition at the Event Exchange Shop

3.  Costume Summon

  • Caelum Costume Summon
Costume Summon Reward Items
Quantity Available
Bunnyland Hideout6
Rate-up Hero Summon Ticket1,800
Rate-up Artifact Summon Ticket  
Legendary Hero Chest 
  • Orchid Costume Summon
Costume Summon Reward Items
Quantity Available
Rate up Hero Summon Ticket 900
Rate up Artifact Summon Ticket 650
Legendary Hero Chest1
Legendary Artifact Chest1

③ New Costume Ticket Additions

  • [Gold] Caelum Costume Summon Ticket (30 pieces)
    Purchase Limit: 2

  • [Silver] Orchid Costume Summon Ticket (30 pieces)
    Purchase Limit: 1

④ Number of Tickets Required per Costume Summon Round

Round[Gold] Caelum Costume Summon Ticket[Silver] Orchid Costume Summon Ticket

[Challenge Stage: Tau King]

The enhanced Tauking has returned! With two new boss skills added, a strategic challenge is now required!

3. New Hero

[Legendary] Caelum

Misses not a single foe! The superstar of Bunnyland makes her appearance! 

Caelum uses her spear to draw enemies towards her. Thanks to her large shield, she remains unaffected by knockback and can inflict additional damage based on her defense.

Look forward to Caelum, who will be the ultimate strategy for both multi-battles and boss fights!

ElementFireBattle TypeDefender
Active Skill

[Caelum Kyunt]

Deals 600% of final attack power as damage to [enemies] within range and applies the [Magnet] effect, pulling them towards the user's position. Additionally, with a 50% chance, grants the [Execution] effect to the user, which deals 1000% of final defense power as [additional damage] with each attack for 4 seconds.

grants yourself the [Execution] effect, which deals additional damage equal to 1,000% of the target's final defense every 6 seconds when attacking

Passive Skill

[Elemental Force]

Upon 3rd normal attack, with a 75% chance, grants the [Fortification] effect, which reduces knockback distance by 100% for 
3 seconds, and the [25% increase in final defense power] effect to the user.

*Skill details are subject to change.

*The appearance can be changed to the specified outfit when wearing the costume.

[Legendary] Sarcina

Sarcina, the fire-elemental ranged damage dealer of Apocalypse 7! Enjoy the full extent of her formidable power, shrouded in 'mystery'!

ElementFireBattle TypeRanged
Active Skill

[Burst Overkill]

Deals 600% of final attack power as damage to [enemies] within range and inflicts [Burn] and [25% reduction in final defense power] effects for 8 seconds.

Passive Skill

[Metallic Boost]

Every 3rd normal attack, if the [enemy] hit is in a [Burn] state, deals 50% of final attack power as [additional damage] and also grants [25% increase in critical damage] effect to [yourself] for seconds.

*Skill details are subject to change.

[Legendary] Karte 

ElementDarkBattle TypeMelee
Active Skill

[Triple Strike]

Deals 400% of final attack power as damage to [enemies] within range, inflicts the [Bleed] status for 8 seconds, and applies a [25% increase in received critical damage] effect

Passive Skill

[Chance Spotted]

On normal attacks, if the [enemy] hit is in a [Bleed] state, deals 50% of final attack power as [additional damage] and grants [15% increase in final evasion] effect to [yourself] for 1 second.

*Skill details are subject to change.

4. New Artifact

◈ Bunnyland’s Guardian

- Acquisition: Event Exchange Shop and Event Rewards

- Effect: 100% increase in attack power, 200% increase in defense power

 Shadow of the Empire

- Acquisition: Pickup Artifact Summon

- Pickup Schedule: 24.09.05 ~ 24.10.04

- Effect: 120% increase in boss damage, 450% increase in defense power

*Artifact effects are based on a 10-star level.

5. Wind Elemental King 

① Elemental King Replacement

- The Dark Elemental King season ends, and the Wind Elemental King season begins.

- Trial Effects: Reduced Critical Damage, Slow effect applied

- The Wind Elemental King features a powerful tornado pattern and area attacks. Prepare for knockback effects during battle.

② Reward Enhancement

- From this season, Pickup Artifact Summon Tickets is obtainable through ranking rewards.

6. First Phase of Star-level Artifact Balance Adjustment

 [Star-level Artifact Stat Increase]

- Equity Consideration: To balance the stats between star-level artifacts and level artifacts, We have increased the stats for star-level artifacts.

- We will keep working hard to make improvements to maintain game balance and the value of in-game currency based on the captain’s feedback. 

Thank you.