My account access has been banned | GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS
GranSaga Idle : KNIGHTSxKNIGHTS FAQ Account
My account access has been banned

If the current account has been banned,  this may have occurred due to violating the terms of use.   

For more detailed information regarding account suspension, kindly contact Customer Service, which includes the information below.   

■ Customer Center  

1. User ID (required): (This consists of numbers) 

2. Relevant screenshot (required): (The temporary access restriction notice popup displayed when accessing the game)    

▶ How to check User ID  

- 1. Open [Kakao Talk] linked to Kakao Game account  

- 2. Tap More (...) → Tap Settings (gear icon) at the top right corner  

- 3. Tap [Kakao Account] → [Manage connected services] 

- 4. Tap ["For Kakao" Services]  

- 5. Select the game → Check your [Service User ID].

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